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Lord of the Munge Façade
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Everything posted by SwimModSponges

  1. No, they halfway remember a show about a strongman and their nostalgia does the rest as they march merrily towards fascism.
  2. If you're going to include servix you may as well add the openings to the fallopian stuff and whatnot.
  3. I know this one- the answer is five. No, true story. Anus, vagina, urethra, and two bartholin ducts. Do I get a prize?
  4. You see a lot of Tim Allen worship these days. People harkening back to the days when men were men and they fixed things and worked on cars and were sweaty and greasy and argh argh argh, to quote the character Tim Taylor's brilliant catchphrase. Tim Taylor is an idiot. He's a clown. He's a literal buffoon. The show makes a point to show him as an idiot who is a danger to himself and others due to the very traits these Allenites ascribe to. You know who the show points to as having the 'correct' POV? Tim's hippy neighbor who encourages him to cast off society's oppressive expectations for what masculinity should be. These cultists have gotten it backwards, and I've got half a mind to drive out to their compound and nail my theses to their door to tell them so. Martin Luther style. Pull a protestant reformation on them. Eh that'd probably get me shot.
  5. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/arizona-gop-candidate-arrested-allegedly-masturbating-truck_n_635007e2e4b03e8038da457f Masturbating in front of a preschool.
  6. They don't see a problem, they are glad. They started a one-sided "culture war" (culture massacre, i suppose). And they are winning. They are fascists.
  7. See, @Ginguy? This guy's actually got the convictions to stand up for what he believes in. No option d there. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/oath-keeper-testifies-was-ready-die-jan-6-keep-trump-office-rcna52838
  8. New preventative measure in Texas- students are required to submit DNA so that if their bodies are unrecognizable due to being shredded apart by bullets, the school district will be able to know which families to send thoughts and prayers to. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/texas-schools-send-parents-dna-kits-identify-kids-bodies-emergencies-rcna52887
  9. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/body-cam-footage-confused-floridians-arrested-voting-1234613334/
  10. HR then read the definition of the word to him and said "see, that doesn't sound like you, right? Besides, you listen to rap music, and all your friends say it, right? Now shake hands and get back to work. No? Ok, fired." https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11317069/Georgia-roads-worker-fired-refused-forgive-worker-called-n-word.html
  11. The only thing i quoted obama on was the buzz kill line
  12. Then some other non-obama quotes that the article continues with- And here's one i'm really familiar with- (Another fun ad they're running right now- "we asked Barnes why he doesn't pay taxes, and this is what he said- [cut to Barnes at a Juneteenth function] "why y'all want to talk about TAXES, this is JUNE-TEENTH!) Here's whats up- and newspeak is always a component of fascism, so lets keep that in mind... The current culture war is against "wokeness". What does woke mean? Literally anything Republicans want it to mean so they can point their anger at it. And democrats have to play nice, and "see it from their point of view." "Gee, i guess asking for police accountability is pretty radical (everyone has forgotten Uvalde). Gee, i guess acknowledging the existence of transgendered people is pretty devisive... Gee, i guess saying women should have the right to an abortion isn't making us any friends... sorry republicans, we've been bad Democrats. Looks like you'll have to start shipping us off to the re-education centers to save the world from the boogeyman of "wokeness".
  13. Obama: dems need to stop killing the buzz. https://www.cnn.com/2022/10/17/politics/obama-pod-save-america-democrats-buzzkill/index.html In order to make conservatives happy we need to be less woke and acknowledge the fact that some people just don't deserve rights.
  14. I'm sure it would work out better this time. For real though, i think we're getting to that point as a global society in which nations begin to consolidate. Just saying, we should start picking when the pickin's good.
  15. Good. Now everyone can stop shouting about how the people who already work two jobs aren't working at Taco Johns too. Then once there's not as much competition among businesses for the limited resource of available workers, those businesses can finally lower their wages and stop inflation.
  16. I agree. This folder is wrong and deserves hate. Thank you for being brave enough to speak the truth.
  17. FBI agents: "i dunno... maybe a fascist coup is a good thing?" https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2022/10/15/jan-6-insurrection-fbi-agents-paul-abbate-warning/10498351002/
  18. And how do you feel with regards to people who continue to fully support and cheer for these people even though they're actively taking away people's rights, just because they're on the same side? Do you think they're "the greatest pot smoking hippies you know?" oooooor.... Do you think they're "fucking idiots and fucking douchebags"? I wonder which quote of yours would be most authentic for someone to describe themselves with, is all.
  19. Kansas City police: "these rumors of missing black women are absurd. There aren't any missing black women." Missing black women: "hey, i just escaped from this guy who's been torturing myself and a few other black women. They've already been murdered though." Police: "there's no indication that black women have been getting serial killed, and theres nothing to support the claim." https://kansascitydefender.com/justice/black-woman-kidnapped-prospect-excelsior-springs-serial-killer/
  20. @Master-Debater131 change your sig to pooh's new quote about you.
  21. Don't you just love the fact that politics is a team sport to some people and the quality and actions of the candidates don’t matter as long as they can celebrate their dominance?
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