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Everything posted by nameraka

  1. Yer mom
  2. christmas is under attack. from me...
  3. motorcycles shouldn't have speakers. if you want to listen to music, wear earbuds. the only way to hear your speakers while you're driving is to blast them over the sound of the engine and the wind. in short, to play your music so goddamn loud you're basically a roving block party. it's noise pollution, and it makes you a dick.
  4. my general can beat up your general.
  5. this is a good point. we don't really talk enough about the stuff.
  6. True that. But the more they change, the more they stay the same.
  7. So... What's your take on "things"?
  8. i see. this helps. so, logically, if i'm not getting paid then i can only afford cheap ass american cheese. this means the woman i hold in high regard must be american because no one else would eat that garbage. given that you included her raven hair, the woman in question can only be jennifer connelly, as she's the only raven haired american woman i hold in high regard that i can think of right now. so... i'm gonna go ask her. be back.
  9. important information: is the woman canadian? what kind of cheese on the burgers? am i getting paid for this?
  10. ghostbusters was successful because of the original actors. it makes no sense to reboot it.
  11. I'm old. I don't member shit. Now, where am I and who the fuck are you people?
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