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Everything posted by nameraka

  1. Well... did they make it fresh?
  2. greedfall. i only paid $8 for it. I'm glad i only paid $8 for it.
  3. i hope they leave out that one mini-game.
  4. Am I right?
  5. Rereading some shitty pulp fantasy stories called Thieves World. Haven't read them since HS and they were old then. They're... not bad actually. I always thought they'd make a cool TV series.
  6. homemade blackbean soup. it was pretty solid.
  7. i used to have some old records of those when i was a kid. not sure what happened to them.
  8. I mean, they already voted for him once, though.
  9. Yeah, me either. What a shitty, useless month. Fuck you, August.
  10. I hate the word "unalived" as a euphemism for suicide. It sounds like you're making light of it.
  11. *dusts off tired thread.*
  12. Kinda bullshitty in the sense that the categories are often too broad to be helpful. I'm late genx, for example, and I find I have little to nothing in common with those born toward the beginning of my generation, but a good deal in common with early millennials. 15 years might have given you a good basis of commonality 60 years ago, but as technological advancements speed up, those periods of commonality compress.
  13. this is the autobot motto thingy: In another universe they were defeated by the decepticons. centuries passed. the decepticons evolved...
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