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Everything posted by nameraka

  1. i have it on good authority that this is you.
  2. The rather ambiguous use of the word “your” in that sentence makes me uncomfortable.
  3. Nooooooooo
  4. Depends. Are you a cat?
  5. Did you just call me fat?
  6. This thread is for things that are normal and only things that are normal. Any of that weird shit is right out. *braces self*
  7. give me your sleep...
  8. shrimp and chorizo tacos.
  9. friends, girlfriends... you fools and your active cultivation of interpersonal relationships. it's like you enjoy getting hurt.
  10. This is the way.
  11. do I? i mean. maybe...
  12. must be nice.
  13. Spleen. Do you spleen?
  14. Ah yes. The double edged alcohol sword. I remember it well.
  15. Also, if I ever get a boat, I'm naming it fickle bitch.
  16. I do these things as well, but sleep alludes me. She is a fickle bitch.
  17. if so, how?
  18. From here to Eternity
  19. 37? No one was supposed to get more than 36. This throws off the numerology. Dammit. I spent 900 years working to bring about the end of days and this shit happens.
  20. there is something inauthentic and deeply troubling about people who prefer creamy peanut butter to crunchy.
  21. i don't want a portable office/ entertainment hub/ AI copilot. I just want a fucking car. and i'd like to it to work.
  22. I'm watching it on Amazon. Its decent. It's also short, like 10 minutes or so per episode. Not the greatest animated series of all time or anything, but good for a mindless laugh.
  23. am i the only one watching this? yeah. probably....
  24. you're too damn nice. my neighbor and i are constantly shuttling our misdelivered amazon orders back and forth because apparently reading house numbers above doors is hard. you'd better believe i leave a bad review every time. has it helped? fuck no. that's not the point. the point is that i feel like my voice is being heard. has it been? fuck me; of course fucking not. the rating system is just a tool to placate me like a goddamn child so a billion dollar company can syphon money out of my bank account to fuel its single minded goal of global domination. i was going somewhere with that... anyway, you're too damn nice.
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