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Everything posted by nameraka

  1. Trying to be as objective as possible, i'd say The Godfather. If i'm letting personal taste get in the way, Mulholland Drive.
  2. cigarettes. right.
  3. maybe...
  4. i mean, just look at these stupid motherfuckers.
  5. Happy birthday stupid alt I can't remember the password for!
  6. don't let the door hit you on the way out, wednesday.
  7. You know, you might feel better if you poop. You're welcome. I'm thinking of putting it on a T-shirt.
  8. It depends. How many fucks am i expected to contribute?
  9. I was thinking of something like an overly complex rube Goldberg device that you could explain after you catch them. you know, like a conversation piece. Your way is probably better, though. Plausible deniability and all that.
  10. Have you tried setting elaborate traps?
  11. people did this shit, though:
  12. what a bunch o' bastards. am i right?
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