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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  2. Just go to goodwill and get like 5 new shirts for $20
  3. I'll do them for u if u go work for me
  4. Might as well preemptively send this one to DF, mods.
  5. Idk man I'm just bored What's the last thing u cleaned in ur house/apartment/cardboard box
  6. Like others said it depends on height and age. A BMI over 30 puts you in the "Obese" category. But there can be other factors too like how much muscle mass you have and where you carry the weight. When I was at my highest weight I had a BMI of 32 but didn't really look like a "big fatty", just your average overweight person. Of course I think there's a certain point where no matter what you're a big fatty.
  7. I haven't been on a bus since high school. Well actually that's a lie I took the campus shuttle a few times in college which was a refurbished bus. I sat as far away from other people as I could and looked at my phone hoping no one tried to talk to me.
  8. Water is included with rent at my apartment but I know the electric company will sometimes do an "estimated" usage for my bill maybe ur water company did that and estimated way too high? Also I got a free gas bill once cause I had to pay a "deposit" when I first moved in and got it back after 6 months.
  9. Yahoo Answers? What is this, 2006?
  10. I'd get off at 2:30 if I were on 1st shift, and would have 1 day a week where I get off at 10am since I'd be part time (There were full time bids that I put in for but there's no way in hell I got any of those). Although being part time means that I'd have to pick up on 2nd shift like once a week to get my 40 hours. But that wouldn't be too bad.
  11. Let's invent it together. Everclear apparently has 155 calories per ounce for the 190 proof variety. Although a single shot would be enough to put me over the legal limit.
  12. Millennial. I may never be able to buy a house but at least I have avocado toast.
  13. Also if I do get on 1st shift I won't be able to party after work anymore since I'll have to go to bed at like, 10pm instead of now when I can go to bed pretty much whenever. That part will be hard to adjust to but getting off at 2:30pm would be pretty sweet. Alas I'm already over my calorie goal for the day. No partying I gotta watch my figure.
  14. I think so, anyway. They said the last day to submit bids was the 25th so I would imagine they'd have them all sorted through and posted who got what position by now. I'm not holding out too much hope. I'm not even sure if I'm eligible to bid right now and I have so little senority that I'd basically have to be the only person to bid on a position in order to get it at this point. Still, would be nice to get on 1st shift and be able to have a life after work.
  15. Dessert has 2 s's, silly. Just remember that you always want a second helping of dessert, but never want to spend more time than you have to in the desert.
  16. Which desert did you visit? I'm a fan of the Mojave, myself.
  17. But I'm not gonna touch myself rn...
  18. wut
  19. But the burning is starting to go down...
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