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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. Okay, first of all, ouch...
  2. I've actually never seen someone like that at a Wal-Mart in person before.
  3. I didn't idk if anyone else did. She was still just standing around by the registers and it was half an hour before closing I'm hoping one of the employees did something.
  4. She was and I am mildly concerned about that.
  5. Either insane or very high on something. Possibly both. She kept walking around spinning in circles and talking to herself while at the checkout. The cashier had to tell her like 3 times how much her total was before she realized it was time to pay. She was trying to buy a small bag of chips and some pull-ups for her toddler aged daughter but didn't have enough money for the pull-ups. She asked the people in line behind her if anyone wanted to buy some food stamps and when everyone declined she had the cashier take back the pull-ups. Then she stood in the middle of the aisle by the cash registers blocking the way and continued to talk to herself/spin in circles. Fun stuff.
  6. And I was trying to make conversation by relating my own feelings on in-service days but I forgot that you're incapable of actually having a real conversation even if people try being pleasant to you.
  7. We have an all day in-service once a year at my work, but I've been to it twice so far since they go by work area and I've switched work areas once. I like it because I still get paid but I get a break from actually working with clients. Also I get to go in at more traditional work hours as opposed to being there until 10pm.
  8. It just seems like a lot of your girlfriends are constantly ignoring you and don't even seem to know you exist.
  9. Zeni, let me ask you a question and I mean this sincerely...How do you define "girlfriend"? Is any girl that you see and like your "girlfriend" because it sure seems that way.
  10. Well you said you "couldn't beat the interest terms" of 0% for 6 months but clearly you can.
  11. I just got a new card that has 0% interest for 14 months...
  12. Zeni you need to get your shit together when Packard has to explain something to you.
  13. Whoops just saw this thread after I made mine <_<
  14. https://news.sky.com/story/scientist-stephen-hawking-has-died-aged-76-11289119
  15. Alcohol abuse is for betas. Real men use heroin.
  16. I mean, I don't know if I WANT that much. I did volunteer quite a bit but most of the OT I was getting in the summer was mandatory.
  17. Yeah they call it "extended hours". Anything up to 40 isn't technically OT since we still get paid at our regular rate, anything beyond 40 you get time and a half. Supposedly when they need people to cover shifts they look for people who need to make up extended hours first but I've had plenty of times where I wasn't able to get to 40 in a week and saw full time people getting OT so I'm not sure if that's true. They try to keep the OT down but it's a residential facility so somebody always has to be here for the clients. Back in the summer I was averaging 45-50 hours a week, while still only being scheduled for 35. One time I had 35 hours of OT on one check.
  18. Well when I say "OT" I mean beyond my scheduled hours. I only get scheduled for 35 a week and have to come in early once a week just to get to 40. I used to get a ton of OT including a lot of mandatory OT. Then they hired a bunch more people and now it's hard to get any real OT.
  19. I wonder how long it would take someone to notice if I just went in early one day without actually being called in...
  20. Antipsychotics can help all kinds of people not just murderers. And you definitely need help.
  21. I literally work with clients who take dozens of different meds a day and have done things far worse than punching people in the past but are fine now. I was talking to Zeni specifically chill out.
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