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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. How would that be possible? Vegan girl at my last job made some vegetarian chicken wings that she'd bring whenever we had a potluck. Don't know if they were homemade or just store-bought but they came on these wooden skewers so it was kind of like eating off the bone.
  2. Looks like he was here yesterday but hasn't posted since Saturday. Did he finally get banned? @Rogue_Alphonse Please say yes.
  3. I'm about 5 corgis and 1 puppy
  4. Yes there was some of that in there Go on
  5. But it doesn't look the same What spices did u use
  6. No I mean u have to recreate my chicken parmesan casserole.
  7. Sheetz or GTFO
  8. Hooray I'm almost out of clean underwear
  9. I'm glad u liked it Now make some for me
  10. But he doesn't understand that he'll get sick
  11. The sauce has garlic and onion powder in it do you want him to get sick
  12. So yummy I could probably eat the whole thing in one sitting if I wanted to. I'd hate myself but I could probably do it if I tried.
  13. Indeed. Not really. I'd like to continue working with the same kind of population (MR/DD and mentally ill), but not in direct care. I'm considering going back to school for occupational therapy in a few years. Probably just for an associates at first but then maybe a Master's
  14. More or less. But we can't pass meds and don't need any kind of education beyond a high school diploma.
  15. No I just went from "temporary" to Part-Time Permanent. It usually takes awhile to get a full time position, especially on 1st shift. But it's easy enough to pick up the hours to get to 40+ as a part-timer, since they usually schedule you for 36 hours.
  16. Fair enough but based on the rest of what I saw idk if I trust the creators to be that clever. Like it would have been so much easier to go with the dick joke.
  17. That's true, too What I want to know is why was the Eggplant emoji in the room with the unpopular emojis do they not know how the kids are using that one these days.
  18. I mean I'd like it more if I got off at 2:30 as opposed to 9:30. Waking up at 5am would be a real PITA especially at first but it would be nice not get off work when most normal people are getting ready for bed.
  19. Same thing I do now. Direct Care Worker at a residential facility for people with disabilities. 1st shift responsibilities are a bit different than 2nd but overall it's the same job.
  20. I watched the first like half hour of it the other day and just made fun of it the whole time. I don't think the people that make it know how phones work.
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