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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. I'm holding an ice cube to my lips
  2. I bet you even hold hands sometimes.
  3. wut
  4. Wow you kiss girls on the cheek? How lewd.
  5. Was cutting jalapenos for dinner tonight. Thought I washed my hands well enough and then rubbed my face. I'm dead
  6. I talked to the same teller and he was really apologetic about it he said he thought he had closed it and seems genuinely confused. Took care of the fee and gave me his card, said to call him personally if I had anymore issues.
  7. It was easy enough to "close" the account the first time so hopefully not. They closed my savings account (it actually says "Closed" by that one so I know it's closed). So hopefully they're cool about fixing the mistake.
  8. Mine went up by 1 recently Yay
  9. I was. And then when I logged in and saw the account history, on the day I closed the account there was a withdraw memo scanned in there for the balance of the account with the memo "Close Acct *account number*" Should be ez peazy lemon squeezy to get it sorted out then.
  10. I mean the teller told me he closed the account. So I shouldn't have to actually pay the fee because it's an error, right? Right?
  11. Went in last week to close my account but apparently they didn't actually close it just withdrew all the money so the monthly service fee hit and now there's a negative balance in the account.
  12. I just want to make sure I get my refund before my next credit card statement, which is around the 1st of the month. Had to message them to get it but it should be processed in time. I know I don't actually have to pay it but seeing that big number freaks me out.
  13. I mean HDMI cables cost like $5, don't get suckered into paying much more than that. So buy the HDMI cable and then buy a present for me with whatever's left on the card.
  14. Anyone wanna bet how long he has? I give it 3 weeks.
  15. Okay I contacted them via chat and they said it sometimes takes 1-2 weeks for refunds but since it was delivered the dude processed the return for me.
  16. The weird thing is UPS tracking says the package with the item was delivered to Amazon on the 21st and I've heard nothing from Amazon.
  17. I use Amazon quite a bit. Don't usually return stuff too often but I did return another thing pretty recently. This particular item also cost ~$300 so maybe that's why it's taking awhile. Also I usually just request store credit but this time it's refunding my credit card.
  18. I mean technically that's a good thing 'cause it means you haven't been giving the government more of your money than you should have been throughout the year. Still it's always nice to get a little bonus at tax time.
  19. Yeah let me just go get a job there real quick brb UPS says Amazon got the package on like the 21st don't know why the refund is taking so long.
  20. Da fuq man New credit card statement starts soon I better get that fuckin refund
  21. Oh not Utica, no. It's an Albany expression.
  22. I mean, there are parts of Alaska where for part of the year it's light non-stop for literally weeks at a time. Plus they don't have to buy them, and as solar panels are getting more efficient there will be a point where they'll be able to get almost as much as someone from a place like California. And "I want the solar energy to power my phone too, so that I don't have to recharge it with electricity" may be the dumbest thing you've ever said in these boards, which is saying something.
  23. It's hardly "free", but it's not a "scam" either. You need to buy the solar panels, which you can get a tax credit for but they still aren't cheap. Once you get the solar panels you could theoretically have free electricity but you'd need quite a few to be able to get by with 100% solar and would need to live in a really sunny area like California. You can have solar panels and still be connected to the grid so if you aren't getting enough from solar you won't lose all electricity. Also why would you get kicked off OKC don't you have 4G on your phone.
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