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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. Take me with u
  2. That's probably what I'd do even if I had money. But I don't think I could even afford that right now
  3. Ya I saw the prices and thought it was the price for the whole con at first but no it was per night. Once I'm not poor I'd love to go to pax or one of the other really big cons. Only cons I've been to have been relatively small ones at college campuses (one I just went to this weekend. It had been a single day con and this was the first year they had a second day), never been to a "real" con.
  4. I'll sell them back to other people then
  5. I haven't ordered cookies in a while but they were still called that last time I got them.
  6. Okay just pay me the money in advance I'll take care of it
  7. Let's rob a bank
  8. I thought that was only in Canada or something
  9. I think all the rooms actually at Kalahari are already gone for the con at least that's what it says on their site.
  10. Me too thanks
  11. I'll draw my face on every single one.
  12. Can I buy all the stuff I want first and then just invest the leftovers.
  13. I'll use some of the money to buy tickets to ColossalCon and take u with me does that count.
  14. Samoas or GTFO
  15. Give them to me I'll sell them back to u at $2 each
  16. Is it dipped in gold
  17. Or even like $1
  18. We don't need to know what kind of stuff you fap to.
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