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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. 3 full time, 4 part time. I put in for all but one position because the 1st shift staff on that house is a bunch of butts. I probably won't get any of them (especially not a full time position) and I'm not sure if I even can because I'm on probation still but I figured it was worth a shot. If not now there will probably be another round of bids in the next couple months. Hopefully I can get on 1st shift soon it would be nice to live on a more normal schedule.
  2. Stop trying to stuff so much paper in that shredder and go stuff something else
  3. Geeze man you need to get laid really badly
  4. If I ever manage to get on 1st shift at my job I'll have to start getting up at 5am every day. I've gone in on 1st shift a few times to get some OT and it's super fun getting up that early.
  5. If u think u can avoid the conversation in the last thread by deleting it and starting over then ur wrong. Ground turkey sounds good. I love me some ground turkey.
  6. Crocodile fucked me up
  7. Can I have some money
  8. Yeah my dad said he owed a bunch the first time he filed after I moved out.
  9. Are u gonna owe?
  10. Yay. $293 coming soon. That will entirely go to paying off my credit card or in my savings. Huzzah.
  11. My vision's coming back already still not perfect but I can at least read my phone without having to hold it at arm's length.
  12. That part's not too bad, at least it's over quick.
  13. Getting my eyes dilated and hardly being able to see for half the day, just so the doctor can look at my eyes for 5 minutes. They had one of those machines that can do the same thing without needing to dilate your eyes. One of my past eye doctors had those and is was so much better. Only difference is that doctor did it for free, this one wanted to charge $35 so I just went with the drops.
  14. No just need to order more contacts.
  15. They saved my info on TurboTax, too. Not sure why it's giving me trouble.
  16. Nope. Not sure why I used TurboTax last year too and used the number that was on there.
  17. I had this past weekend off but I work the next few, not sure when my next weekend off will be. I think I'll get time and a half for working on Monday though so that's cool. I still need to finish filling my taxes. TurboTax kept saying my return was rejected because my AGI didn't match what the IRS had on file. So now I need to wait for the IRS to mail me something so I can log into their website and see what they have. If I still can't get it to work I'll have to submit my return by snail mail. Not that it matters how soon I get it since I plan on putting 100% of my return into my savings/emergency fund or towards my credit card bill.
  18. Can't wait to get my eyes dilated and not be able to see for half the day. Also need to vacuum, clean the bathroom, and go grocery shopping. Need to get an oil change soon too but not sure if I'll have time tomorrow. I love it when I get one day off a week and I have to spend all of it doing errands.
  19. Ah yes, news.com.au, truly the most reliable source of news.
  20. I'm confused are you mad they sent your sick child home or mad that they didn't call you first?
  21. Yeah you know most people that work those types of jobs don't end up seeing very much money. I actually interviewed at one back in November. They basically just want you to spend all day calling every family member, friend, acquaintance, classmate, colleague...Basically anyone you may have talked to even once in the past 10 years. And just bug them into buying from you. And as wacky said, it's not just a matter of you saying, "Plz trust me with ur money". It's an art-form that takes practice and a very specific skill set. Most of the reviews I saw for the place said you'd be expected to work 6 days a week, put in 60+ hours a week, and would maybe see $400 a week if you were lucky. I looked into several places that did a similar thing and they all had the same kind of reviews.
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