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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. Well I would set it up in a way that you didn't know she was a prostitute, of course.
  2. My cat was freaking out looking like he was attacking/eating a bug do you guys think it was a bedbug.
  3. Trump's just speedrunning the Nixon administration.
  4. Well bedbugs aren't really a hygiene thing even five star hotels get them. Still, can't help but feel paranoid about it. Plus this girl is mentally disabled so even if it were a hygiene thing it'd be more on the staff that she got them than on her since she doesn't understand.
  5. Pretty much. I mean if you look closely you can actually see them, they're not like microscopic or anything. But they like to hide in dark little crevices so it would be rare to just see them out in the open, plus it would be insane to look that closely at your clothes and bag and stuff every single day.. They don't discriminate, either. Nice hotels can get them just as bad as anywhere else.
  6. That's the plan at the first sign that I have them.
  7. That's where they sleep but they can also hitch a ride on someone's shoes, suitcase, backpack, etc. They don't like to stay on people because they move around too much.
  8. I think so? Like she probably picked them up from someone at the workshop she goes to or something.
  9. I mean I'm kind of hoping to avoid even getting them on my bed in the first place.
  10. Well, I say "might be" when there almost definitely are I just didn't see any actual bedbugs. Client has red bite marks on her arm and they went to go spray in her room today and the protector on her box springs was stained red. So clearly there's something there. Just didn't see any actual bedbugs. Hope I didn't get any on me. I didn't see any but I still took my shoes off in the laundry room before I waled in my apartment and wiped them down with alcohol. Took all my clothes off as soon as I got in and put them in a bag, gonna throw them in the dryer once it opens up.
  11. Same shit. I'm basically a glorified babysitter. Today the unit I'm working on they need to treat a client's room because they suspect bedbugs but this client loves to lay in bed all day everyday and lacks the mental capacity to understand why she can't lay in her bed and gets up every two minutes to try to run back there. So I get to be the one to get up and redirect her. Every. Single. Time.
  12. As much as I'd hate to be stuck in a cubicle all day I'd trade my current job for an office job if it meant I could work Monday thru Friday 9 to 5 with holidays paid off.
  13. Well did you say something about meeting again like holy shit man
  14. I always pack my lunch. At my last job I would buy a lunch an McDonald's or something like once a week as a treat. I also had the right to an hour for lunch at that job, and due to the nature of the job I could stretch that time quite a bit if I wanted to and not really get called out for it. But now I only have a strict 30 minutes for lunch and it's a 5 minute drive to get to anything so by the time I can actually get food 1/3rd of my break is gone. I'll usually pack leftovers of whatever I made for dinner the night before and heat it up in the microwave.
  15. 10:30am Alarm goes off stay in bed hitting snooze/looking at my phone 11:30am Get out of bed, use bathroom, wash my face, eat breakfast, and relax/use my computer 1:30pm Get ready to leave for work, brush my teeth, pack my lunch 1:40pm Leave for work 2pm-6pm At work try not to die of boredom 6pm-6:30pm (ish) Eat my lunch 6:30pm-10pm At work try not to die of boredom 10pm Drive home maybe stop at the store real quick if I need anything 10:30pm At home, make/eat dinner and watch an episode or two of something on hulu with my fiance 11:30pm Use my computer/hang out with my fiance at home 2-3am Take a shower/bath and go to bed
  16. Tbf a $2 raise is pretty good, especially if you're starting at $10 that's a 20% raise. I'm getting a raise from $15.99 to $16.40 starting in April I'd kill for a 20% raise.
  17. I was trying really hard from like, September through December last year. Tried really hard to get out before the holidays so I wouldn't have to work through them but then ended up working Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day. Got plenty of interviews but no offers which was really discouraging. It's been better at my job lately now that the holidays are passed but it's still not great for a lot of reasons. I think I'm going to start putting more effort into it again now. I got my year in at my current job so it will look better on my resume.
  18. Nope. Haven't been trying as hard lately just checking Indeed once a week or so and sending out a few apps here and there. Think I'm going to start putting more effort into it again. Had one place call me on Thursday afternoon need to call them back Monday morning. Had another call me but their starting pay topped off at $13/hr which is way too low, other than that no responses but I've sent out maybe 8 applications so far this go around.
  19. Won't change how many hours I'm scheduled now or the fact that since I'm "part-time" the higher ups can cut my hours however they please (would have to double check our union contract to see if we're guaranteed a certain minimum or not). But I guess it would help ensure that I can come in on my off days.
  20. Gave me an extra day off each week next month which is nice but also means I only have 30 hours scheduled so I'll have to try to go in on the extra day off, anyway. Unless I want to get some really small checks. Can someone give me a small loan of 1 million dollars
  21. Only going to Wal-Mart when absolutely necessary and living in higher income areas most of my life?
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