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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. Guys I started watching a bunch of videos again. Send help.
  2. Who you trying to fool? Yourself?
  3. Kroger I know they're still like, the biggest grocery chain in the country but apparently Northeast Ohio just never got the memo about how good they are. Always used to go there with my mom as a little kid before we moved, and then always shopped there in college.
  4. Yeah but I'm not saying I'm going to start spending more. Just spend the same as now but use a card that gives more cash back.
  5. My bank has one I was considering because it gives 5% back on certain categories each quarter. Like Q1 this year is 5% back at gas stations. Only problem is I was looking over what bonus categories they had last year, and another quarter they had travel or something like that which I would literally never use, and then one quarter was Wal-Mart and Amazon. I don't shop much at Wal-Mart and already have an Amazon store card that gives 5% back. So basically half of the year it's no better than my current card. I was leaning towards an AmEx one.
  6. Y not u can just keep getting credit cards to pay off other cards and be totally debt free that's how it works right
  7. I'm not sitting on hold for god knows how long just to be told no. They'd probably just tell me about all their other cards I could qualify for which I already know about because I looked them up.
  8. That's the one I think I'm gonna go with. Just gonna wait a month or two, try to get my current card balance down a bit and also wait until the inquiry on my record from the last card I opened falls off, since I'm already at 2 and any more will lower my score.
  9. I am not sure if you are aware of this but I am interested in applying for the job and I am looking for a new job next week.
  10. Mine's 750 Rekt
  11. Y not I have good credit and pay off as much as I can every month. Usually 100%.
  12. Did u at least add some salt and pepper and butter or something
  13. I was looking into the free version of the AmEx one. Lower percentage cash back but I'm not sure I spend enough to make the fee worth it. I might go with that one but not 100% committed yet.
  14. Gross How do u eat them do u use a fork and get one pea on each prong or do u like use a spoon and a piece of bread or something and push that shit around.
  15. Snap peas or just peas peas
  16. Only have one right now, credit limit is way higher than I'd ever need but I only get 1% cash back on everything. Trying to look into cards that can give a higher percent on things like gas and groceries. But there's so many to choose from. Hmmm
  17. Take a screenshot of it just to shut him up, 'cause you when he comes back he'll make a thread saying some bullshit about how he wasn't banned. Not that the thread will fool anybody but a screenshot will just shut him up faster.
  18. What exactly makes a meme "forced" vs not forced.
  19. When are y'all just gonna IP ban him and get it over with
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