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Everything posted by EmpressAngel
Unsurprisingly, Toonami will air Attack on Titan S3.
EmpressAngel replied to Blatch's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
It is absolutely not gonna be the depressing magical girl show deconstruction. Where did you even get?that idea? -
a mini-essay on how gay Naruto is **spoilers**
EmpressAngel replied to mochi's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Okay but "hardcore Dragon Ball fan" is damn near the least threatening phrase I've ever seen. -
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
EmpressAngel replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Hero- Aizawa finally gets serious. You assholes stay away from my boyfriend and most of these kids. What the fuck is that guys power, hands? I hope his trick is a machine gun. Dang where do I get one of those scarves? He's suddenly so cool. Fuck you, shadow dude. Oh you idiot children. Ohhh tha is not a good thing. Fuck you shark man. I love frog girl. Oh god this kid. He's the best hero and everyone loves him. ICE TO MEET YOU. These kids are all so great except Bakugo. Small Might is worried and needs a hug. What is the principal. Oh no he never shuts up. Meanwhile, death and destruction. Surveillance Migi with the assist. You could have just sent Invisible Girl. Emergency Exit. Cry harder, Berry Boy. Ribbit. That stomach thing sounds horrifying. Sticky balls is probably not gonna help you much. Bounce off his balls to jump to safety. I'm so proud of my son and his broken hand. Hold onto those frog boobs for dear life. Okay "EAT MY STICKY BALLS" is a pretty great insult. These kids all better get an A. PTE- That's how I feel getting ready for work every day. I like the angry little ginger one, she gets me. Nice mustache. COME AT ME, BROSEPH. This clone thing seems like a real bad idea. She's M Bison. I stil don't really understand the French part. She's got a point, bread is pretty great. That red panda is terrifying. She's so fucking angry. I'm disappointed that she didn't smash that clock at the end of the dude half. Jojo- Hold me Joseph you're all I have left. Kakyoin looks cool with his sunglasses. ORA. Avdol didn't die so you could pussy out of this at the end. Please save Iggy. Avdol was too good for this place. Oh hey he's alive. IGGY NO. Polnareff's right, why is he of all people the only one who survived. Eat shit, ya pantsless dickbag. Iggy was perfect and we didn't deserve him. OH MY GOD JUST DIE ALREADY. We could have saved so much time and lives if Joseph had just taught Avdol some hamon earlier. UH GUYS I DON'T THINK AVDOL'S GONNA GET BETTER. Now get that French man some medical attention. Meanwhile, Suzi is still a dingbat and I love her. Nice turtle. Y'all should probably tell her the bad news before she gets there. Okay the naked milf does make me feel a little better. SUZI NO. Roses doesn't fuck around. Please give Suzi a hug. This is so sweet. Oh yeah I'm sure this whacko will do just great against them. This is clearly fake because no bitch would leave Dio's bedroom. Jotaro what the fuck. That may be the weirdest power of all. Christ Polnareff just go to a hospital. Aw fuck you're dead. Hunter- Good luck, little blind girl. Damn this kid's got some serious eyebrows. She's so dumb I like her. Please take off your shirt and go help Killua. I never noticed that Shoot doesn't have eyebrows. HI DOGS. Awww Knuckle that's so sweet. He's being surprisingly nice about this game. Whelp so much for that. That's a goddamn stand it's even a music reference. Well now you've jinxed yourself. Goddammit Thundercat. Hit him in the face with your giant goddamn pipe. What the shit? Well this could probably be going better. Smash his giant hourglass, maybe that'll work. HAMMER. I wish I could fall asleep that fast. Wait is that one pregnant because that's terrifying. Make the king your bitch, little girl. Clover- Those agonized grunting sounds are how I feel. Please someone stab him. For the love of god, buy something besides potatoes for a change. I'll admit I do love payday too. Why are half these people so terrible. Someone please kill the sister fucker. Jesus Yami you might need to see a doctor. Goddamn girl you're intolerable. Oh does everyone in town hate him too? This is fucking unbearable. Oh jesus just shoot me. Maybe I'll luck out and they'll kill each other. Oh lord here goes Asta's nun fetish. Don't let him take that child out on a date. That bird continues to be the best character. Cooking's not everything but it's better than anything this bitch brings to the table. At this point Ill take any plot that isn't just painful romantic bumbling. Why has no one stabbed sister fucker to death yet. Naruto- Wow what a shock another illusion. I don't think I'm lucky enough to see Sasuke die here. Ha, she got kicked in the vag. I can agree with that, Sasuke was a mistake. That giant skeleton continues to be way too cool for him. Well at least this shit makes sense to someone. Uh dude you got a face on your arm. Joke's on you, Naruto is way too stupid for anyone to control. You'd think he'd just kill this girl already before she figured his shit out. Oh that is some overpowered bullshit right there. What in the fuck is that supposed to be it looks like King Kong fucked an elephant. WIND TUNNEL. I still haven't quite given up hope that they'll kill each other. And I'm sure that those four minutes will last half an hour next week. You stupid assholes. And then they had lightsabers. -
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
EmpressAngel replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Hero- All Might is a beautiful buff god and I love him. Fuck you, Bakugo. Aizawa gives no shits. I also want to get my hands on All Might. Everyone is class rep. Iida is clearly the best option. Aww yay Deku won. I like how teach keeps his sleeping bag behind the desk. He’s right, I’d love to fuck All Might but I would absolutely die. Okay that’s cool as shit. That is way too many sidekicks. Goddamn reporters. I do want All Might’s inches. Girl just float. Iida’s a good dude. Best teacher. HI HOT LADY. Ohhh that can’t be good. HI MT LADY. YESSSS MY BOYFRIEND. God that suit is awful. Oh nooooo he’s losing his powers. Is it even possible for him to not smile in that form? God I love my boyfriend. RIBBIT. His costume exploded last week. I love this pink girl. Bakugo’s a piece of shit and I like that everyone hates him. Welcome to fake Disney. Oh no he broke. I like space lady. Heee look at her fangirl. Welcome to murder town, kids. What the FUCK is this. Ohhhh noooooo. Use Bakugo as a shield, not even for safety just because he’s a bag of dicks. FLCL- I got a bad feel about this. Hidome’s had enough of these shenanigans. Enough talk just punch her. Did she summon the gate from FMA? Rent-a-Loli’s got a log of shit in that bag. IT”S HUGE. What in the fuck? Captain Dodo noooo. Well that’s depressing. Goddamn mochi ruins everything. Take this tacky plastic pumpkin. Better get that plant back. Canti! Shut up fat Caesar. I love her mom. Was that supposed to happen? Be nice to your mom she’s a good lady. Awwwww mommy. This is sweet. MOM NO. Good luck with that, kiddo. CANTI”S BACK! That is a lot of forehead power. And now she’s a mecha. Pedal faster, fat boy. And then the loli was Fern Gully. Canti for MVP. I do love a good guitar fight. The obvious answer here is threeway. And then barfing. Sorry Haruko I don’t think he likes you back. I don’t know what’s going on. Oh hey Jinyu. Oh thank god her mom’s fine. Congratulations you won a naked loli. She’s right I’m an adult and I don’t learn shit. Eyebrows, huh? Awww. That sure was a thing alright. PTE- Oh christ are we in Black Clover. That’s probably the best thing you could summon in this situation. Yeah I agree, you suck! Has anyone seen the fourth wall? They have a point, wombats are adorable. She does have some sweet ski jump moves. This music video is better than all the ones they’ve shown during the block. Okay that bird thing cracked me up. I think that little one broke. Oh god the song is even better with the dudes. Jojo- I still can’t believe I had to watch my husband die twice. Fuck you ice boy. Really, this is Joseph’s fault for not teaching Avdol any hamon when he had the chance. I’m sad too but denial isn’t gonna help us here. Kill him and avenge my husband, Frenchy. Meanwhile, these idiots wander around lost. Protect Iggy at all costs. I also wish he hadn’t gave his life to save your moron ass. Oh fuck no, You’re not allowed to die until you kill that pantsless bastard. Please don’t kill my dog. Aw fuck there goes your foot. Don’t be such a baby, toes grow back. Oh hi Dio. Good job Iggy distract him with gay thoughts. Aw crap. IGGY NO. Jesus Christ this is horrifying. I”D LIKE TO GET OFF THIS RIDE NOW. What the fuck this is just excessive. Please god just die already. Surprisingly smart move from Polnareff. Oh what the fuck why didn’t that kill him. You didn’t need those fingers anyway. This is not going well. Mother fuck I even feel bad for Polnareff now. Please save Iggy. You could just try scooting over where he already passed. I’m gonna go with “life is a bitch” here. Now is not the time to make me laugh, narrator. Iggy no save your strength. And now I’m crying. Avdol didn’t die for this. Hunter- Please save my son I can’t lose my husband and my dog and my kid so soon. You better be on our side, chameleon. That is overpowered as shit. Don’t worry you scaly bastard I’m suspicious enough for him. Tragic backstory ahoy. Ohhh he’s here to avenge Professor Penguin, I can get behind that. Well this is depressing. Oh fuck you stay away from my child you weirdo. Yep this guy’s ability is overpowered as shit. Alright the plan here is to sneak in and punch him right in the balls as hard as you can. No hard feelings about killing his partners. Sorry kiddo, Killua’s a little busy right now bleeding to death. Oh wait it’s Knuckle. Hi Knuckle please take off your shirt. Kick some ass, old man. Sorry he’s a little busy getting some back alley surgery. Meanwhile dick Mewtwo continues to be a bastard. I can’t believe we’re all afraid of some green douce who sits around playing board games. Okay “rest like you mean it” is a pretty good motto in life. Just throw Monopoly at him and you can distract him for a solid 14 hours. Oh this little blind girl is so screwed here. Clover- Is this really just a recap because I’d like to go back to crying over Jojo. Fuck off with your nun fetish I don’t have the energy for this. Noooope not goddamn doing this tonight. Naruto- The best thing you can do for Sasuke is just take him out behind the barn and shoot him. That old bastard can sure run fast. Maybe I’ll luck out and they’ll kill each other. No let her try to kill Sasuke I wanna see how badly she fails. I do like the dog squad. Waste that time with flashbacks, show. Is he having a heart attack because that’d be great. That giant skeleton looks way too cool for Sasuke. Wow that dude just exploded. Look with your special eyes! It’s never the real person the first fourteen times you attack. At least use this bitch as a human shield if you don’t have the decency to die here. Don’t drag that cool eagle into this fight. At least that guy’s creepy, disgusting arm is gone. Oh what a shock he’s perfectly fine. Oh what the shit isn’t that guy dead. -
what in the shit?
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
EmpressAngel replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Please tell me Iggy uses him as a shield to escape. -
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
EmpressAngel replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
I want to feed him meat until he gains back a solid 150 pounds and stops looking like a tired scarecrow. And then, y'know, the banging. -
a mini-essay on how gay Naruto is **spoilers**
EmpressAngel replied to mochi's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
That was waaaaay back in the beginning around like, 75 episodes in. -
a mini-essay on how gay Naruto is **spoilers**
EmpressAngel replied to mochi's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Nami's adopted mother was a marine who retired to raise her and her sister full-time. That particular panel is Nami leaving a ship full of sick children that they'd just rescued in the care of a marine woman who promised they'd get proper care. As for Luffy: -
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
EmpressAngel replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
This is way too many cartoons for one night. Hero- Bakugo continues to be the fucking worst. Thanks, medicbots. I love Dad Might. Good job glasses boy. I like nerd girl here. Meanwhile Bakugo has a nervous breakdown over how shitty he is. I'm sure invisible girl is adorable. This boy's power is just Parasyte. Oh cool, ice powers. You're gonna have to pee your feet free. I volunteer to keep All Might warm. Icy Hot has a great quirk. What the hell is this kid's power, duct-tape elbows? I like that the animal quirks are on the same team. Nerd girl is gonna murder bubble boy. And then David Bowie showed up with Acid Girl. DAD MIGHT IS THE BEST. Bakugo is definitely gonna end up as a villain. Poor Small Might. Nurse Pinako lays the smackdown on him. I don't mind that he shrinks down a bunch but I wish he wasn't so emaciated, he just constantly looks like he's about to keel over. Aww Deku I'm so proud of you. Awwww they all love him. I like pink girl. Iida's gonna have a damn aneurysm. Fuck off, Bakugo. Don't tell him about your powers he doesn't deserve to know. I'm gonna throw this little douche down a flight of stairs. Yes yes you suck and you should feel bad. Goddamn I love him. I'm gonna throw this fucker off a building. I enjoy the girls running commentary. Ohhh that's an ominous scene there. If you assholes touch my boyfriend I will kill you myself. FLCL- Oh boy time for another fucked up dream. I couldn't tell you whats going on but it is pretty. Uhh Haruko I don't think you looked like that yesterday. Someone please rescue Canti. How dare you insult Canti like that. Wow that theme park sounds desperate. That's a cute story that is definitely true and not a complete lie. I am very concerned about whatever's about to pop out of her uterus. Wow kid you really suck at guitar. And here's one of our heroes, gallantly trying to beat up a heavily pregnant woman. I sure as shit know nothing here. OHHHH BURN. Hidome broke. Well that's a new one. Well at least most of these kids are happy. What in the hell is going on? Wow what a surprise this was all a shady plot to use them. I like the kiwi. Bird World is a really weird amusement park. Okay well good news is that he's alive, bad news is everything else here. Mom is still adorable and I love her. And now he's a balloon. Bye Ide. Alright, Teenage Sex Land is a weirder amusement park than Bird World. AWWW CANTI DOG. Oh no he ate him. Haruko where the fuck is your fetus? Hey Hidome you okay there? WHELP. PTE- What the hell am I watching? I know this is a fakeout but I hope we get that giant dog in the OP. Oh god they're Dandy and All Might. They had to blur out Totoro. Haa, Pokemon. Oh no they're breaking the fourth wall. This really is anime Tim & Eric. And then we were French, I guess. I think I'm having a stroke. I...have no idea what to feel about this. Jojo- If that stand looked in my mind it would just see a never-ending parade of dicks and titties. YES YES YES YES YES. Man why did they give Star Platinum such a well-defined ass in this arc. Eat shit, gamer guy. I DO I DO I DO I DO. It's not cheating if you don't get caught, your shitty brother taught us that. No shit it's a game to him it's a literal video game. Okay all the YES YES YES is cracking me up. I think your stand is broken, buddy. Hey you leave his hat out of this. I need that as a ringtone.. A video game expert is absolutely not an expert at life, you douche. Oh hey Kakyoin nice of you to join us. HAAAAA, JOSEPH WAS THE CHEATER. Grandpa's great at video games. NO NO NO NO NO. It's both fists, asshole! YES YES OH MY GOD. Oh hey, it's a wall. Meanwhile, this is ominous and sexy. "Cool Ice" my ass, that's goddamn Vanilla Ice. I got a bad feeling about this. Jonathan's body, still doing its best. "Crimson vigor" my ass, just call it a boner. Well hey that's one enemy down. Aw crap he's a vampire now. Avdol just burn the place down now. Oh nooooo that is some ominous dialogue there honey. If worse comes to worst, use Polnareff as a shield. Avdol's giant cock is so cool I love him. Oh, there's a dude in that wall. OH FUCK DON'T READ THAT. Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck. WHAT THE FUCK THIS IS BULLSHIT. Oh god it left his arms. Aaaand I'm crying. My husband just got vored to death and I'm gonna have to live with that fact for the rest of my life. I can't believe out of every character in this show, I had to pick the one who dies goddamn twice. Hunter- What's next tonight, you gonna kill shirtless Knuckle in front of me too? GUNTOPUS is fun. Yeah piranhas are a bitch like that. Killua that's not how this works, you gotta bluff your way through a high-stakes poker game to get him to talk. Squids are gross looking, fight me on it. And then shoujo-eyes octopus died. NOT TODAY, YOYO MAGIC. This is a weird friendship. Oh fuck please don't kill my son I already lost my husband. Aw crap there's a button on him. STOP TORTURING MY LOVED ONES. That is a goddamn stand. Man, Old Greg is a real douche here. This is such a weird fucking power. Christ this is a REAL rough night for characters I love. Well at least Gon's alright. I don't trust him. Oh my sweet precious child you're going to die. Don't fuck with Gon. Oh thank god he's okay. Joke's on you, my kid was raised by a family of psychotic assassins who honed his reflexes every day. Aw fuck my kid's stil dying.. Son of a bitch, someone please save my son. Thank you, friendly squidtopus. Clover- This garbage is the absolute last thing I fucking want tonight. I guess whores would help me feel better. No one here has any business talking to women. Okay naked Yami does make me feel a little bit better. That's a mistake, Yam is the only fuckable man in this show. Of course she's tagging along to ruin the mood. God I wish I was drunk for this. Crush you enemies, see them driven before you, etc. If you say the phrase "Wizard King" I'm gonna throw you off the roof. At least he's trying. Tell them what your captain looks like naked. Why did they censor the wounds, I want to see him injured. Why did you dress up as a fucking barmaid? Aw crap it's this douchebag. If I'm not having fun at least nobody else is either. Oh no bitches, get better standards. Don't scream at her, dumbass. I don't want to be here either. Fucking christ how is this working. I don't want to watch this. Why does every bitch want this obnoxious twat? Give up on the nun already for fuck's sake. Naruto- Gee these two definitely aren't the ninjas you're looking for. Thanks for telling him the obvious thing that he's too dumb to realize, Sai. Nobody likes Sasuke. No she's definitely a fool and also a bitch. Oh there is no way that's gonna work but please god let me watch her fail to kill Sasuke. I think you're kinda way too late to save the little bastard from the whole path of evil thing. Hey there, decent people. Aw fuck it's this orange douche haven't I suffered enough tonight? MIIIIND TAKER. Why is everyone in this show dumb as a sack of rocks? How DARE you show me someone losing an arm after the night I've had. Finally a decent fucking Hokage. Sasuke continues to be the goddamn worst. I hate this girl so much. What the hell is your arm? This has been a rough day for me but maybe they'll make up for it by killing each other. -
a mini-essay on how gay Naruto is **spoilers**
EmpressAngel replied to mochi's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
My dude I have literally never looked at another girl and thought something like "She's so sexy I wish she was my hot secretary" in any way that wasn't gay as hell. -
I wonder if they knew how much singing was in this show before the cast the music skeleton as Dandy.
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
EmpressAngel replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Hero- Eat shit, Bakugo. How did an adorable little kid turn into such an unlikable douche? That's some tough training, Boyfriend Might. It's a good thing Bakugo spent so many years beating him up so he'd know all these moves. Use your power in one finger again to hit him right in the balls. Okay this flashback just makes me want to punch a first grader. Tiny Deku is so precious. Iida trying to be a villain is cracking me up. He's straight out of Venture Bros here. Break his shitty douche face! Bakugo is the fucking worst. No, no that is not allowed. Yeeeeah this little dickhead is definitely on the bad guy route. It's okay sweetie you tried your best. That evil laugh is so great. Oh is that all, he's only trying to seriously maim him. FIFTY POINTS FROM SLYTHERIN. Boyfriend you kinda suck at this "not endangering children" thing. Bubble boy is still staring at those tits. I'm telling you again, aim for his balls. What is the deal with this bird kid? He really should end this but he wants to see what happens. Whelp there goes his arm again. OH FUCK YEAH. Hug that nuke, girl. I'm proud of my kids today. Get that boy some medical attention, again. FLCL- Uhhh I think Hidome broke. Is that the same cat from the old show? I love her mom and the fact that she's just Holly Kujo. I'm uncomfortable with this energy. This song. Extreme dodo over there. Rent-a-loli is making some serious cash here. I hope her boyfriend's okay with her selling off all their random crap. HI CANTI. Oh noooo Canti. She's got some real pepper in those fists. Wait that's her dad I thought that was her boyfriend. Oh Marco you are going to die here. I'm loving these whacko background singers. Okay he's definitely right to not trust Haruko with her. Man I can't even handle the normal pirate ship ride. Oh hey it's the plant. Aw shit his head activated. Someone please save Canti. Oh that's gonna hurt later when they burst out of his skull. Ladies don't fight over a man, just make out instead. At least Hidome's having a fun time. Forget your loser dad, I will marry your cute mom instead. This poor boy s gonna have a heart attack today. And then everything went right to shit. Uh hey watch out for that ledge there. Oh hey, they got out. Ohhhh don't insult the shades, them's fightin' words. You might wanna get out of the car now. Yes this is all very fun but when do you go save Canti? Oh fuck she got a hole through the torso. Well that's disturbing. REJECTED. Jojo- Hey while he's distracted by the video game, why don't you guys just punch his lungs out? Oh goddammit Kakyoin you fucked up. Whelp there goes his soul. That is the ugliest fucking doll I've ever seen. Okay I'm uncomfortable with the way he's tenderly stroking Dollkyoin's face. Gepetto. Okay your arm's free, now punch his dick off until he lets your friend go. OH! THAT'S A BASEBALL! I'm slightly disappointed that this game announcer isn't just Speedwagon. I don't know why I find Star Platinum in a baseball uniform so funny. Wow Jotaro you suck at this. Oh my god he doesn't know how to play video games. Grandpa's gonna have an aneurysm. Imagine getting called a fake gamer by your own grandpa. Jesus christ even I'm better at games than this. Hey now knitting club is fun. I bet this guy reeks of Mt Dew and stale Doritos. Oh hey he figured it out. Fuck off with your bullshit and your weird face stuff. Joseph is so happy. Christ D'arby what the fuck. Thanks for the info? Gee Joseph is it really crazy that someone can read minds after all the other wacky powers you've seen this month? I think it's time for Avdol to burn the place down already. I don't know baseball or video games but could you just try throwing like 40 balls at once? He just looks wrong without the hat. Huh, no ED. Hunter- I am very worried for my kids. KICK HIS ASS, SHIRTLESS KNUCKLE. Student loans are still the most devestating attack of all. Crap he noticed you. Aw shit it's those guys. Fuck you and your endearing cat puns. Oh no Killua be careful. Aw crap you're gonna need that phone. Joke's on you, Gon can jog for days. Stupid cat bastard doesn't understand taxes. Oh hell no you stay away from my kid. Sorry guys I'll never be threatened by someone named Showerpoof. I got a bad feeling about this, kiddo. OH SHIT. Oh good they're ugly I won't feel bad when he slaughters them. That dude on the giant ball is more trouble than I expected. What in the hell. Ewwwww. Fuck you I'll fight you myself. I hate you and your song. Thank god he grew up in a family of terrible assassins that beat the shit out of him every day. KICK SOME ASS, KIDS. Surprisingly decent of you, Karma Chameleon. Don't trust him, just kill him. Ohhhh don't go in there that's definitely a trap. Well that was easy. OH NO IT'S TENTACLES. Oh crap it's piranhas. This has been a weird turn of events. Clover- Is that Dimestore Griffin? Well damn Wizard King I'm glad you're having a good time during the town catastrophe. Don't worry I'm not lucky enough for him to be dead. Bird is still the best character. Now now, you're all at fault and are terrible. They're looking for the Triforce pieces. Yes you absolutely should have remained in the capital where people needed you and not gone running around a dark basement for hours. Well now this is definitely going to happen again. At least this kid still hass the energy to yell. Oww that's your head. Sorry buddy, Asta's way too stupid to know what you're talking about. Blah blah blah whatever I don't care. Yeah that's what we needed in this show, more shouting. Make your own country! With blackjack! And hookers! These idiots don't deserve baked goods. Food girl confirmed for least terrible character in the group. STOP SHOUTING YOU DIPSHIT. Thank you Yuno. Kid I would absolutely try to kill you for less. Oh hi, people I don't care about. I wish I could be drunk and asleep through this show. Hey there Captain Sexy. He'll get respect over my dead body. Food girl is definitely the most tolerable. If he never wakes up then at least he doesn't have to be in this show anymore. No let him train himself to death. Naruto- Just let this old bastard die. I appreciate all the work that must have gone into translating his terrible rapping but god I wish he'd stop. There's a dick joke in there but I'm not gonna waste it on Naruto of all shows. Call in the assist from Octopus Jotaro. You're gonna lose that eye, dude. MIIIIIIND TAKER OOOWEEOOO. Sorry it's not gonna be as easy as stabbing yourself in the face. STOP RAPPING. Well that looks slightly terrifying. That sure looks painful. Whelp, you're fucked. Literally nobody has ever called you that, I guarantee it. This whole beheading plot seems a little extreme. Thanks, hot lady. MINDTAKER. Don't undo that jutsu it's a trap. Oh good she's not an idiot. Wait when did shark dude get underwater? Oh no get that raccoon out of the water. Octotaro has had enough of this shit. You dick leave that raccoon alone. Thank god the raccoon is safe. There is no way he's not sporting a horrifying shark boner here. POCKET SAND INK, SHA SHA. Legs are for the weak I guess. Well that's a new one. Good puppy...sword...thing. THE PEN IS MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD, YA GET IT. Oh good the angry man's here. Yeah make sure you're covered in water when this dude hits you with lightning. I hope he's dead so we don't have to deal with him anymore. Now beat your brother's idiot ass. -
I can't imagine they'd air part 5 before part 4 was even licensed here, or run them concurrently.
- 17 replies
- 4
- part5
- golden_wind
(and 1 more)
Tagged with:
Could we please get " I'm the one who owns this site you dumb motherfucker." pinned to the top of every page because it's definitely the highlight of my day.
It looks like it's only 12 episodes. At least if y'all really hate it you've only got a couple months to bitch.
What's the grossest thing you've seen in a kitchen?
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
EmpressAngel replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
I'm pretty sure Pet Shop blew up when his ice missile got caught in this broken beak. Hero- I'm so proud of my tiny buff son. Suck it, douche boy. He stole that scarf from Lisa Lisa. Ha, that one kid is invisible. If you kick him out I'll fight you myself. You marvelous bastard. Hiii boyfriend and boyfriend's terrible suit. Thanks, nurse Pinako. Glasses kid turned out to be a good kid. She's so cute. That first sentence is the mistake, nobody respects their father. HI BOYFRIEND. Thank god he changed out of that suit. Oh sweet, new costumes. So is invisible girl just naked then? Awww mom. Oh kid you are gonna get your ass beat for that outfit. Haaaaa, he's Green Might. Most of these kids are great. Aww good he got teamed with the cute girl. Oompa Loompa kid likes boobs. Aw crap you're gonna die. Please don't let him set our son on fire, All Might. Because he's a bag of dicks, glasses kid. Good luck kids I believe in you. Use all your power to hit him right in the dick. Moving all those fridges really paid off for him. God I hate this kid. FLCL- Electricity hurts, kid. This is the creepiest dream of all. Dang Haruko how you doing. I volunteer to slather her. Oh kids, he doesn't have a girfriend. Nice plant. Okay she's not human. Damn, that girl's got an arm on her. Big, strong and amazing; you're talking about All Might? Well that's sad. This is obviously going too well. HARUKO NO THAT'S CEMENT. Crab. Okay this girl is definitely suspicious. She is absolutely going to kill you. Haaaa, fake. This sure is poetic and shit but where's the girl. It's a good thing she can't drown. Uhhhhhh. Haruko what the fuck. Boner alert. Chainsaw guitar? And then shit got weird. THE PLANT IS A STAND. Whelp, that'll do it. Oh hey it's the car. Still in the cement. You better learn to use that guitar quick, kid. She might be dead. Oh this is a bad idea. Welcome to Trash Island. I think she broke. Jojo- Goddammit Polnareff. Oh goddammit not another one! So then that weird face shit just runs in their family I guess. I agree with the idiot, just punch the shit out of him. Oh crap. Forget ten minutes, just torch the place now. He sent them to Greed Island. Y'all want some booze? Joseph's had enough of this shit. Oh that's creepy. He's fucking those dolls, guys. I'm uncomfortable with this. Please just beat his ass already. Aw crap. This giant goddamn nerd steals souls through video games? You're both goddamn nerds. Don't trust him just punch him in the dick. That is one creepy fucking puppet. "I'm not a cheater like my brother," says the man who is clearly a cheater just like his brother. He picked that car because it's green. I can't believe Kakyoin invented the Let's Play genre. God why is Dio so evil and sexy. It's not your fault he's just too seductive. Joseph learned his fight commentary from Speedwagon. Kakyoin fucked up. This is the most intense game of Mario Kart I've ever seen. Hunter- Please don't hurt my kid. Hoot hoot motherfucker. Eat shit, Batgirl. Aw crap my boy's in trouble. I love this kid. Fuck you owl. I'm starting to get worried here. ORA ORA ORA ORA. Thank you wall. I love watching Gon wreck some bastards. Now kill Karma Chameleon. Meanwhile Killua is doing great. I hate this cat but I love the cat puns. My god you're a pretentious bastard. You think they know how to use a phone? Maybe all the ants will kill each other. Ohhh that light looks like a bad time you should avoid that. Hiiii Knuckle. Oh shit that's a lot of ants. This sounds like it could be going better. Politics will kill us all, that's the lesson I'm getting here. Oh fuck that's not a good thing. Man there are gonna be so many dead people in this place. Oh hey new ED. Well hello there, unnecessary shirtless Knuckle! Clover- Mysterious dude is right, it is pathetic that he's losing to Asta. Thank god that bird is okay. No he hasn't gone mad he was always this stupid. Oh hey, a tolerable person joins the fight. Oh no a tree, I'm shaking in my boots here. Aw crap, someone helped him. "We put our massive egos aside for two minutes." The leasbian team is the best team. Heal Asta last. Okay that slime salamander is definitely from One Piece. Oh thank god they took him hostage. God you silver douchebags are fucking awful. I'll enjoy watching them kill him. I'm pretty sure this creepy science girl is ripped off of the fun glasses girl from Attack on Titan. Oh hey, the Wizard King actually shows up to do his fucking job. I mean Asta probably wouldn't have been captured and that dude wouldn't have lost an arm and a bunch of civillians probably wouldn't have died if the king had actually been in town instead of waiting in a dank building to surprise them. Consider the fact that you're garbage in comparison. They stole that Ponyglyph from One Piece. Oh who's this douchebag now? Naruto- Oh god why the fuck are you singing. Please don't make me watch this. All I ask is that you spare the giant red panda thing. I'm still voting for the angry angry man. Oh hell yeah now we're in business. Hahahaha what the fuck. So Sakura is outright lying to his face here. "You're my silver medal, Naruto." This is the most awkward fucking moment in all these bystanders' lives. Ohhhh bitch got REJECTED. You're unlikable and no one will ever love you. It's not all about you Sakura, Naruto's in love with him too. Yeah good luck with that, thish boy has never kept anything quiet in his entire life. Oh goddammit you stupid bitch. I'm with this girl, just kill Naruto yourselves. How dare you hurt that giant adorable raccoon. Bring out the Jotaro octopus. I don't think swords are supposed to growl like that. His rapping is still god awful.