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Everything posted by God-Says-No

  1. wow that sucks merry christmas from capitalism
  2. "I want to speak to the manager"
  3. you have a birthday?
  4. other than? as if there is another way
  5. who are you
  6. maybe its because diet imbalance and youre fat so you passed out with the onset of diabetus
  7. Every one is an alt
  8. that looks awful
  9. time to follow you always
  10. who the fuck are you
  11. its different seems faster though
  12. yep every thing is lost panic
  13. picked a weird time to lurk here didnt know any of this was happening
  14. honestly k3 and whatever alt she used but there was a lot left unsaid
  15. hey the past called it says stfu
  16. I feel its safe to assume most twd fans prefer the show but most of the twd fans ive met are camo wearing confederate flag wavers too
  17. Well pick up smoking then realize you still want coffee anyway now you have to have a cig and coffee in the morning let it all go down hill
  18. I dont believe in fate
  19. going commando you wont have that problem
  20. real neato good job
  21. You can assume that god is greater than human in everyway
  22. no we dont listen to your ideas youre like a shadow to us
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