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Everything posted by God-Says-No

  1. my mind - who is sandstone every time.
  2. well its why places like Louisiana, Texas, and Florida suffer a lot filled with in denial idiots
  3. i guess youre offering then
  4. you probably should find a new dentist
  5. yea i know im pretty amazing
  6. this looks like a drunk thread? i cant speak on the behalf of black people obviously but i never knew that they cared about that sort of thing and far as being white goes idk i never had thoughts of i hope my kid has x color eyes or hair
  7. doubt
  8. you better hide in the basement till its over
  9. this is why we like you mochi pure quality
  10. summer - nude winter - boxers fall/spring - nude or boxers
  11. ok that works pics
  12. are we all just watching the simpsons right now?
  13. pics of you using it
  14. i enjoyed every where i been on vacation
  15. he turned his life around now hes running for president 2020
  16. mustve been a boring day if thats the highlight
  17. ill save that job for you after a few drinks in me ill find you acceptable ::]::
  18. its definitely an underrated movie
  19. i feel like you need boku no pico avatars
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