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Everything posted by God-Says-No

  1. well did he rough you up
  2. Oxygen cheated with Magnesium OMg
  3. i guess it wouldnt be acceptable for me to post a pic of my dick for 10
  4. the rick and morty cross over was better
  5. the adventure time one was neat
  6. youre a god awful human kill yourself
  7. simpsons intro pro tip its the rick and morty cross over some were really good or at least memorable
  8. quit doing everything and just sleep
  9. its pretty good idc who really wins though
  10. well all season their defense was always shaky they came out early with offensive presence while the defense made some above par plays now they just cant keep up
  11. yes every second going by is history
  12. o shit going to OT
  13. God-Says-No


    idk who that is but id hit it
  14. you are as fierce as a sleepy ferret
  15. red pandas are mean though
  16. she will have a "wardrobe malfunction"
  17. God-Says-No


    yea shes boring though
  18. I think the last time I had a fast food burger i think I had it just plain if im going to a fast food place its usually for the fries
  19. The band is burning trash
  20. well every one knows about the implication
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