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Everything posted by God-Says-No

  1. its a master piece
  2. when i join i stay for a bit
  3. you forgot to lock the door
  4. read my post then... instead of liking that worthless fucking broken condom zeni's comment you twat
  5. if hes working on his phd in geology then he should know its easier to tell when its polished when it has a distinct none additive color
  6. who are you
  7. Ive legit thought that, just by the frequency of commercial airings and which ones air on which channels when I was quitting and would block out wanting a cig all of a sudden the commercials air
  8. i have it blocked
  9. could be low grade malachite did you find this? could also potentially determine if its pure or mixed
  10. wax it all off and report the results here
  11. god youre a worthless fucking broken condom get cancer and kill yourself
  12. no woman will ever want you youre a fat ugly retarded fuck who should just shoot himself in his fat fucking retarded face
  13. whats wrong with finland?
  14. well give me the power to remove fuggs and zeni then it will be picked up...
  15. and italy's, germanys, etc...
  16. god youre just a fat ugly retarded mexican... every european country is releasing their joke video
  17. see more reason for finland 2nd over any of the other European nations
  18. doing great stuff
  19. so for some one like fuggs where even trying to function is difficult are you saying she should die? im not disagreeing i just wana see where this goes
  20. ill try to be on showdown tomorrow/possibly tonight ill use god-says-no you can also watch some of my old oras replays on showdown as well
  21. God-Says-No


  22. God-Says-No


    is his job making and selling meth?
  23. ill be top 10 world wide in about 1 months time i strictly play showdown
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