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Everything posted by God-Says-No

  1. Adam ruins everything has a good explanation of stds and herpes especially
  2. except ill have work still
  3. whats the post flooding limit
  4. yea were expected to get a lot of snow also
  5. re-read the opening post you fat ugly autistic fucking waste of life
  6. because im already in good shape and have no health problems
  7. lets face all 3 fucked you at once so that way they wouldnt have to take responsibility over being a father
  8. i still watch [as] but the site is dead to me
  9. thats your job
  10. God-Says-No


    its pretty under whelming id pass
  11. God-Says-No


    then get some fatty
  12. they can but they arnt
  13. the band stopped being good after fall of ideals imo
  14. to soon to soon to talk about asmbers
  15. he was quoting a song
  16. and every one died even I ground keepers Willie
  17. well people will surprise you everytime kinda like how surprisingly hot you are
  18. wellllllll
  19. very
  20. thats a big swing and a miss
  21. kinda like the brain episode from futurama
  22. how do you survive
  23. of these people http://imgur.com/gallery/fExBp
  24. gona end up a big o'pile of them bones?
  25. yea life is tough
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