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Everything posted by God-Says-No

  1. must be aids
  2. I like where this thread is going
  3. well id say either potassium, iron, or calcium deficiency then
  4. are you a cigarette smoker?
  5. hes more of a sociopath
  7. pass
  8. say you need a used car youll get something
  9. not the worst show judging by cartoons cn and nick both have in their rotations at this time however the helga spin off wouldve been better
  10. I always forget that L its pretty fun stuff hella dangerous but it makes some neat stuff happen what do they let you do
  11. something was here, now it is not ~MEXobiologist
  12. pops - "bad show"
  13. I was gona say that along with iron deficiency or being female or all of the above
  14. zeni get cancer
  15. yea im taking yours
  16. because youre a fat fucking ugly worthless person youll never get laid
  17. did i miss drama involving k3?
  18. its a sign youre dying
  19. your fat ugly waifu is dead
  20. Im not sure why directly since its a private job but it could be due to my previous work just listening to orders
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