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Everything posted by God-Says-No

  1. even man boobs?
  2. this is under boobs
  3. side or under
  4. yea true still will be over an hour away
  5. if you believe in yourself
  6. Ive had more woman then you had to ask your mom to make you chicken nuggets Dont worry ill be in New Brunswick, NJ
  7. it could be
  8. youre a lazy egg
  9. maybe she was hitting on you because she was blind and could see past your ugly
  10. french vanilla
  11. that is the story its why many girls will look away from his awful deformities
  12. fat retarded looking face most would say
  13. Apparently, the heads aren’t the only parts of the body that DODRIO has three of. pokedex entry but i guess you couldnt pass up a chance to google dicks since you love sucking them for fun we all saw the pictures
  14. ugly barnacle applies to one user on this board could be why girls are deleting okc profiles
  15. All in my pants
  16. liar these boards arnt that old
  17. Hes dead now
  18. try red velvet cheesecake
  19. 1. less water 2. cleaner 3. safer (only applies to any shared bathtub/showers)
  20. good thing i wont have to deal with that
  21. while 50 nuggets seems like a lot but its kinda not i can eat 50 in entire day just not one sitting
  22. I liked him at point but not anymore never liked pewdiepie
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