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Everything posted by God-Says-No

  1. so that movie has a mom... who is a preacher? man I know youre a fat ugly mexican....but still proving youre autistic every step of the way sped
  2. >getting? I thought it started off that way
  3. who is fantasia
  4. good movie disappointed at no nudes
  5. hmm better see them to inspect them
  6. or ride the actual me
  7. and was yours not? pretty sure you spent all your time on [as] :fap: to you mom stupid mexican zeni...
  8. No im literally telling him to get cancer because no one else seems to really tell him how worthless he is and would be better off killing himself; he really isnt tolerable and ruins even some of the serious threads in all seriousness i hope he dies hes fucking worthless literally no value thats the thing you are drawing the line "whether or not he is serious" no thats bad reasoning right there for the most part he is serious and for the most part that puts him on the retarded side of thinking to even put up with it is just enabling... its why im sure his mom wishes she got that coat hanger abortion in highschool
  9. i miss the rank swimdragon and the color I had the stats for that awful illuminate rank like raven and tets but was dragon for the longest time
  10. its for the best that you dont review anything
  11. why do you think hes baiting any one... hes a fat ugly mexican...he knows hes worthless we know hes worthless lets face the facts hes a broken condom living in his moms basement with no future he should kill himself what you think as baiting as some other idiots on the board; you all need to know that a lot of his posts come across as real thoughts and hides behind the fact of hahaha im a fat idiot trolling but you and some others cant seem to draw the line (as if no one can be that dumb) but look at his posts with more thought and understand that he is that fucking dumb well now you know.
  12. like is that a serious question? or are you inept?
  13. better than that cob planet
  14. all 7 planets found about 40 light years away are considered habitable and would need artificial atmosphere which we can already develop
  15. well do it on cam for money
  16. what did i do
  17. you might need to seek help
  18. more like how can i get in that
  19. im pretty sure he is a pig if hes wanting your swamp hog ass
  20. He does know youre fat right?
  21. but why like i hate zeni hes a worthless fat autistic kid yea everything is better if he died but im not gona wonder about that worthless broken condom ever
  22. http://www.popularmechanics.com/space/a25336/seven-earth-like-planets-trappist-1/ pretty amazing stuff
  23. youll get neither
  24. do you actually wonder about him
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