Our Black Lab was hilarious. Monster of a dog, 157 lbs of big & scary (sitting on the floor, he could set his head on the dining room table).
But give him a squeek toy & he turned into a whining little puppy.
Is this an "earworm" thing? Right now, mine's Elvis doing "Love Me Tender". Not really an Elvis fan, but at least it's not elevator-type Christmas music.
Unless you have a hand written statement from the party in question, that has been noterized and witnessed by at least 3 people unrelated to either individual, it's rape if she says it was.
Even if she was stone cold sober.
Well, that was bizarre - I had the address with the "can't find website" still in one of my browser tabs & thought, "what the heck" and hit refresh.
I was taken to a French video site - the staging address was still in the window. Hacked already?
I take it you've never partaken of the pride of Chicago Liquors? (props for 2 bottles of Bailey's)
The video is hilarious