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Azalar Hex

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Everything posted by Azalar Hex

  1. It's officially time to move into my mother's basement.
  2. I can only dream of the day that my disappearance from a forum causes this much of a shitstorm.
  3. I make a lot of noise when I poop.
  4. Also, the expression on that thing's face says murder.
  5. ... and one of the people in it acts like and closely resembles a person you wanna bang? ( And that person isn't a celebrity, thusly this is why the discovery is special. ) Gonna be lacking proper bodily fluid balance for a while.
  6. Awkward quiet pacifist loner. Due to my size everyone assumed I was a bully. Due to my actions all the small guys used me as a punching bag and got lots of sweet hot high school ass for beating up the ogre. Got expelled because everyone thought I planned to blow up the school. Graduated a year early with a GED. Made a promise to myself that the next guy to pick a fight with me was going into the hospital for at least a month, but unfortunately nobody screwed with me after that.
  7. Feebling - When a person is not in the mood to do something or incapable of doing so, and instead of asking me to help as it is obvious I am busy doing something else, choose to constantly draw attention to themselves through muttered cursing, loud sighs, excessive grunting, or purposefully dropping or throwing things to make noise. Assuming this frees them of the nuisance they would have caused had they asked for help in the first place since I was the one to offer it instead. When somebody decides to talk to me while I am engaging in an activity that they would consider a waste of time, causing me to miss dialogue in a show, cues in a video game, the proper rhythm while masturbating, or "the flow" while drawing, and gets insulted and irritated when I won't give them my undivided attention.
  8. I once ate some Big League Chew bubble gum when I was 7 years old and then boom, I had diarrhea last night.
  9. I'm sorry. You're pregnant.
  10. You can't tell me what to do.
  11. 1: Get laid before I turn 18. ( failed ) 1b: Kiss and be kissed in a non platonic way by a female I am not related to. ( success ) 1c: Touch a boobs I am not related to. On purpose. With permission. ( success ) 1d: Get laid before I die. ( success ) 2: Get married before I turn 30. ( failed ) 3: Become a father at some point. ( failed ) 4: Own a decent computer. ( success ) 5: Play Persona 5. ( success ) 6: Make at least $5 nude camming online. 7: Train a cat to ride around on my shoulder. 8: Learn how to speak Japanese. 9: Get a job doing voice acting. 10: Successfully cross-breed a watermelon and a grape to make giant grapes.
  12. Just because there is a button that turns the light off for you when you push it doesn't mean it stays off after you close the fridge. Come to me with your proof when you confirm it stays off after being inside of the fridge after closing it. For an hour at the minimum. Using a camera doesn't count because it can sense that sort of thing.
  13. The bird that was chirping next to my window flew away after a grueling thirty two second noise fest. I'm not sure how to live life in peace, now. I think I might need to travel europe for a while.
  14. 11 - 19 is really easy. Just throw Juu in front of the numbers. Save for 4 and 7 which become yon and nana for whatever reason. I'm still fuzzy past 19. So the entirety of my japanese number knowledge can be counted on my fingers and toes with one bonus toe/finger. Juu ichi Juu ni Juu san Juu yon Juu go Juu roku Juu nana Juu hachi Juu kyuu
  15. Kinda. It would be an explanation for why things are only broken when his card is in his system. What's getting me is that it's only that game that messes up. He can play his other games and load the saves fine. Plus his SD card looks exactly like mine condition-wise. No discoloring or warping on the contact pins.
  16. My nephew's 3DS has recently decided to fart when he tries to play his Fire Emblem game. When he inserts the game and chooses to start it, it doesn't even get to the title screen. It says it could not detect an SD card and to reinsert the card and restart. So he does this, and it still does not work. So it's either the system, his card, or the game. So we try the game in my DS. It works. Next we put his SD card in my system, the game still loads. Must be his system. So we put my SD card in his system and try to load the game. The game loads fine. So it's not his card, not his game, and not his system. Yet when we put his card back and try to load the game, it's a no go. And only happens when his SD card is in his system. I should add that he can play other games just fine. He even deleted all his save files, DLC, and game data off his 3DS. But it still won't let him get to the title screen. This is a stupid. I figure anyone bored enough to give a possible cause could give it a shot. He really doesn't want to have to send his DS in for a repair, and isn't sure he can even get one anyhow.
  17. The middle part reminds me of spaghetti-os.
  18. Maybe you need a change of pace. Like, a totally different direction. How you feel about a fat dude who's about a decade older than you, unemployed, doesn't own a car, smells vaguely like garlic, and has a sweet used PS3 he just got off the internet for less than retail? I know I live with my father, but we both pay equal rent on this apartment so I can totally get him to head out for a few hours.
  19. GUITAR MUSIC SOUNDS Sonic adventure was alright. I was pretty chill with it when it first came out. GUITAR MUSIC SOUNDS
  20. I'll keep my eye on things, then. I just don't want to get caught up in a forum war.
  21. My pillow said it just wants to be friends.
  22. Bleh. This is nobody's loss but if this board is really going to play divorce then I'm just gonna bounce. I'll see all you guys again if AS ever gets their shit together and puts a new board up.
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