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Azalar Hex

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Everything posted by Azalar Hex

  1. Only in the online role-playing group I used to do stuff with and over behind the church next to the homeless shelter in Nashville where that dude who doesn't know how origami works lives.
  2. No holes in the walls allowed. Even pinholes.
  3. I'm glad I already know what this futa thing is because Google sure as hell doesn't.
  4. Urinate on things and mark your territory. Don't let them game on your turf.
  5. Can't be me in this apartment. I'm gonna shit on the sidewalk.
  6. Didn't notice the difference.
  7. I once had a thing for a 19 year old when I was 29. Surprisingly she didn't tell me to go to hell when she found out. But her boyfriend sure did.
  8. One time I got caught off guard answering the door to these two gorgeous 20-something girls who seemed excited to see me. They asked how I was doing and how I liked living in this city. The BS alarm was already going off full force by the time they whipped out their bibles and pamphlets. Joke was on them, though. I am very aware that I'll never snag anything better than a 1 or a 2. Maybe a 3 if alcohol is involved. Told them I was sorry but I already worshiped the devil and shut the door in their faces. Then went and fapped while drinking a beer and watching them leave through the window. Yeah no I apologized profusely and told them "sorry that's just not my thing" and did my awkward-ass bowing thing I do while half-waving. Then retreated to my room to analyze every second of the encounter and what I did wrong while trying not to fantasize that one of them would come back later because I remind her of her dad.
  9. Azalar Hex


    Buy Zeni spray.
  10. Something about nipples, shaving, ass hair weaved into braids ... cattle prods ... .... . .. . no, I got nothin'.
  11. I hate deer, though.
  12. There are a couple of folks I strongly dislike. None from here though. But if death seemed like a viable option on somebody I hated, I wouldn't pick it. Death is merciful release.
  13. http://www.cracked.com/article_25050_what-stupid-thing-trending-now-8272017.html
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MvqoX4cZ80 roach.
  15. Looks like I don't have an excuse to miss this one. It's not only going to pass over my home state, it's passing over my home city. Oh yeah, the center of the path goes directly over my house, too. It's a shame this didn't happen during the winter. I really hate having to go outside into the heat. I should probably try to find a secluded spot and rub one out during it or something.
  16. It was some amateur stuff, probably saw it online. But this skanky old hag was riding this dude on top of a kitchen counter and really laying it on thick with the moaning, and then this little white terrier comes rushing in from below growling and barking up a shitstorm at the dude and the old lady completely loses it and falls off and crushes her tit on the floor below.
  17. Getting lots of loose hair in the brush over the last few days. Guess I won't be getting the sex any more.
  18. I'll just say I enjoyed it for what it is, but I wouldn't have paid to see it.
  19. I saw it. It's ... an anime.
  20. +0
  21. I was expecting turtle porn. I will make sure others are not disappointed.
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