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Everything posted by bnmjy

  1. or height in meters . . . although I wouldn't be surprised if she just does it to feel sepcial.
  2. I think the Beatles are a little too old to be considered contemporary. The myth of Gandhi being nuke-happy in the original Civilization game was proven by Sid Meier himself last year to have never happened. Kinda niche myth, but that's all I could think of at the top of my head.
  3. So I actually watched it a bit until the part she mentions it's just a fabrication by the Spanish Inquisition, so . . .
  4. My gaping condolences.
  5. holy fuck birthdy wow goddam we get old
  6. fuggs was asking about the gift exchange
  7. wow ok
  8. bnmjy

    RIP Anne Rice

    Me too, just wanted to beat someone like tsar to the punch.
  9. fuggs is complaining about people receiving low wages, but is only paying her editor .005 dollars per word, LOL
  10. Thank you for your vampire fetish series or whatever.
  11. I only played about halfway through Platinum. The rest onward was a new experience for me. Some of the designs of the Pokemon in the game are quite awful, like Graveler.
  12. What a load of pretentious horseshit.
  13. Not nearly as much as I used to. I just had to this instance. Yes, still live there and I might be willing to see a show sometime next year.
  14. maybe
  15. fuggs supposedly has a boyfriend now, unfortunately. She used to say you make her so wet, which is quite an accomplishment considering she's been complaining about it being so dry down there lately.
  16. This was your chance to see if his dick sags as much as his chin.
  17. I can never play without my starter. It's the only personal rule I have.
  18. I've since diversified my lineup. Got myself a Garchomp and Lucario of my own. Now I'm just grinding in the great underground. I wanted to get a Spiritomb, but oh my God is the process the most tedious thing ever.
  19. Cynthia, no question. Whitney is a one-trick pony, but Cynthia is very well-rounded. Cynthia would butcher her Miltank into a filet mignon and have her eat it, then wash it down with the Miltank's own Moomoo milk.
  20. Only in the great underground. Random encounters are still the same above ground, in water, and in caves.
  21. I've been playing Brilliant Diamond lately, the first Pokemon game I've played in a long time, and have been coasting throughout the game . . . that is until I made it to Cynthia. Bitch.
  22. I have Radiant Dawn, Path of Radiance, and Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door. All of them sell for more than a hundred dollars on ebay.
  23. Discussions of the problematic cis-heteronormativity of the Kama Sutra for yoyr English 101 class.
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