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Everything posted by bnmjy

  1. I think I'm thinking more of suburban sprawl than anything else. For example, cul-de-sacs are a really bad design for pedestrian traffic and make areas more car-dependent. I don't recall seeing a single cul-de-sac every time I've been to Japan. It's a waste of space, and space is premium there. I pass by new local housing developments here in PA, and they are frequently made in cul-de-sacs. Sure, they're good for leisurely walks, but no one who lives there is gonna be walking to the grocery store five miles away. In Japan, the suburbs are still very walkable, often times more than American cities. Pennsylvania is full of old train towns that are very centralized and walkable. You can see the effect of the car and suburban sprawl when you compare new suburbs with the old train towns.
  2. Hmm, well I'm not gonna pretend to know much about this topic. I just know that mixed-zoning is much more common in Japan than it is in America, and it's much less car-dependent. Obviously, this has more to do with the limited availability of land than anything else. That's the issue with America, I feel . . . there are huge swaths of land, so the mindset here is why would anyone build compactly when we don't have to?
  3. lol, Japan has everything you just described and it isn't doing too well with contemporary social issues. I agree that America needs better city-planning, but it's not enough to put a dent into social woes.
  4. How I wish this were true . . . but there are a lot of flat-earth potheads out there. "But weed's not a drug đŸ™„"
  5. Just always remember that it can always be sadder.
  6. I worded it poorly (whatever). He meant have an adult conversation with her before being allowed back in, where I assume she can act, for lack of a better term, childishly. I don't know why I'm bothering to clarify anything when obfuscation seems to be the preferred method of moderation here.
  7. There, fixed. Funny how recounting tales can show our biases.
  8. The thread was asking where athena was. I said she's probably on discord, but I rarely go there (haven't for at least a year). A few others mentioned comments about discord, nothing serious. uwp comes around and says she prefers the boards, then Pat says accounts that are rarely used are deactivated and have to ask for permission to be reactivated. uwp makes another comment, then Pat reveals that she has been deactivated for another reason (supposedly scaring other members) and told her she can come back if she talked like an adult. That's it. Truly fascinating story, huh?
  9. Why are you making it seem like my post was the focal point when it was clearly about uwp? I don't care if I'm banned there.
  10. You said to Pat that he should have PMed his post to uwp, and I said "nah, it's better this way" along with
  11. I think she's still on the discord. I rarely ever login to there, so.
  12. Begone, harlot.
  13. I like their famous bowls.
  14. Don't you potato-splain me.
  15. The retarded kind.
  16. Judging from only reading the title, I'm gonna guess you're talking about necrophilia.
  17. I thought 2016 was the year with a bunch of celebrity deaths.
  18. Oh damn, I could have met him last year at the local comic con. RIP
  19. That's too bad.
  20. I'll take one, along with a jar fuggs queefed in during menstruation.
  21. If only NFTs were trending when fuggs was still around . . .
  22. No, they didn't vote for him for that. I'm just making bullshit arguments as they come along. This is politics. Personally, I'm not even that much in student loan debt, and I can easily pay it all off. I feel bad for all the people who went to school and are saddled with that debt for the rest of their lives. I think these people outnumber those who work crappy jobs and eventually pay it all off. Edit: Also fairness isn't always just about what is beneficial to oneself. I am also worried about future generations in regards to financial security.
  23. Maybe before clothes were used, the babies were passed to another female in case mommy's tits needed a rest . . . and this is just a leftover habit. I dunno.
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