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Thunder Goddess
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Everything posted by mthor

  1. Pouring shit on it, whether it's alcohol , benzos, or whatever, isn't going to help. Trust me; I've done a lot of research and experimentation.
  2. I've been off all of my meds for almost 2 months, and I have a firmer grip on reality than you do.
  3. No way he'd pass for 20. Besides, when his inner Buffalo Bill peeks out and he gets that little twitch going, well... Crazy is pretty much ageless, but that doesn't make it appealing.
  4. RIP. Caligula.
  5. I started smoking when I was 11, so yeah, it has been that long. I've tried to quit before, kind of half-heartedly, but once you get down to one or two a day, which I have managed, you can really start to smell it on other people, as well as on your own clothes and hands.
  6. Miso soup with winter veggies and fried tofu
  7. Most of those are penicillin resistant now.
  8. Stop it! You're not talking to Zeni!
  9. You make me glad I had girls.
  10. I don't get it. Why use something you have to launder? Wouldn't paper towels be better?
  11. Love the result, hate the method.
  12. Your not getting laid is neither the problem nor the responsibility of anyone here.
  13. This is a surprise to no one.
  14. I feel for here - at one point, I went to the ER and they told me it was a stomach bug... But thanks - so far, so good, and once I can pick up more than two books at a time, I can get back to the library!
  15. It may have added years - haven't had a smoke since Sunday, and at the moment, I'm not too inclined to go looking for a cigarette; hurts too much to cough. I'm not saying I'm quitting, but this is the longest time I've gone without smoking in, well, probably more years than you've been alive wink (Yes, I am the female Packard, except that I'll admit that I stink)
  16. They've sent it to a pathologist. In Area 51.
  17. Belly - it was an ovarian cyst
  18. Would you please stop confusing this message board with the Lifetime TV network? That seems to be where most of your information about women and dating actually comes from.
  19. It doesn't look like muscle mass. It looks like if somebody poked you, the indentation would stay. Sort of like the Pillsbury Doughboy, but without yeast.
  20. I don't know - he's starting to get that puffy look that comes with too many years of really cheap beer.
  21. This is why his daughter isn't speaking to him - he keeps hitting on her friends.
  22. Zeni, please stop. Your wife is getting really worried, your son is really embarrassed, your daughter isn't speaking to you, and the guys you play golf with are getting really creeped out. It's time to get some help and start detaching yourself from this imaginary on-line persona that you've created.
  23. That's it, Zeni. Get it all out of your system. Tax season is here. It's time to stop pretending to be a horny and unappealing 26 year old man-child, and go back to being a 52 year old CPA. It's OK; we'll see you in late April.
  24. I had surgery Monday, and am home now, and many thanks for all of the kind thoughts and good wishes; apparently, there's something to be said for positive thinking, because I got my wish - it was a big ass cyst (29 cm x 25.7 cm x 15.3 cm); don't know what the weight was, but between the time anesthesia started and ended, I lost 22 lbs). They sent it for pathology, but the doctor is pretty sure that it was a cyst - nice, self-contained, no signs of malignancy or spread, just really fucking big. And now, I'm going to take a couple of well-earned percs and go to bed. Thanks again, guys <3
  25. https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTNVOb6u4mb_LCJdXOtVLzvL0OAN9hX9y_iLZrHCY-CNSUAsJP_
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