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Thunder Goddess
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Everything posted by mthor

  1. He's going to keep whatever doesn't go down the garbage disposal.
  2. There are worse starts...at least you're in a location where you can check your texts and messages. You could be in the men's room at a bus station in an uncertain city, wearing someone else's underwear.
  3. And not worth the effort to open. What a cop out.
  4. No. Neither are Betty White or Kirk Douglas.
  5. Yes. By all means. Our salvation lies in an army of delusional stalkers and alcoholics.
  6. OK. The holidays are over. It can stop snowing any time now.
  7. Five words. Five little words that I told you MONTHS ago: Nude Analysis of Science Fiction
  8. There are so many things wrong here, I can't even begin....
  9. Not Twinkies. Bacon.
  10. And a hat.
  11. Probably will - her mother lived to be 101.
  12. To be honest, if Carrie Fisher hadn't immediately predeceased her, how many people's reaction to Debbie Reynolds death would have been "Wow! I didn't even know she was still alive!"
  13. Bleah, gut issues. Gatorade, Coke, and ginger tea - I think they're the only reason I'm still alive after the last bout I had. And stay away from dairy!
  14. I've told you before, and I'll tell you again: One finger, and you're on the floor weeping for mercy.
  15. To seek out new worlds, to boldly go where no one has gone before... duh, ghostie!
  16. How exactly... never mind. *sigh* I hate post-holiday purges...
  17. RIP, Carrie. It was a rough ride, but you kept your head up.
  18. No. Knobs generally have a function.
  19. Ten days ago, I broke a pinkie toe. A week ago tomorrow, I came down with a stomach flu that had me puking for 3 days, and I'm still pretty much just doing clear liquids. I hate that these things come in threes, because I'm not too thrilled about whatever's next.
  20. Broke a pinky toe yesterday. I hate when that happens.
  21. Yes, or even just a drab weekend. It moves right along.
  22. The Master and Marguerita by Mikhail Bulgakov Satan comes to Moscow. Oldie but goodie.
  23. I'd put a wall around my yard and declare myself a sovereign nation.
  24. No, he's been trying to survive traumatic brain injury caused by Pers's ban hammer over on the Board of the Undead
  25. I don't know about the boobs, but here are the tits. http://www.favonius.com/furzefield/birds/tits.jpg http://www.favonius.com/furzefield/birds/tits.jpg
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