I've never read that much into the statement. Don't vote, don't complain - you didn't participate, you don't have the luxury of criticizing others' choices. Vote, and complain all you want - if your opinion changes, that's fine. You can still complain; it's sort of like going to a restaurant, ordering something that you thought looked good, and finding out that it wasn't what you expected. Even though you chose it, you can complain about it, and, in due course, send it back. And when has being in the minority ever stopped anybody from complaining? You voiced your opinion, and, this being America, you're free to continue voicing your opinion.
"(1) a vote can run into difficulties that prevent it from being counted" I had to laugh; I lived and voted in Florida during the 2000 election (although we had scanners in our county, not chads) 'Nuff said. ;D