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Thunder Goddess
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Everything posted by mthor

  1. What the ever-loving fuck is this doing here?
  2. Are we there yet?
  3. Poor old dawg. Sorry to hear that; even when it's time, it's always sad.
  4. No - if I'd stolen them, I could have given them back.
  5. How do you think I wound up with two kids?
  6. When I worked in the ER, I used to wind up in court about once a month. After a year or two, nobody looked at me like I was crazy, they just pointed me to the coffee pot and a comfortable chair. It would have been OK, except that I'd have to pay a baby sitter so that I could go hang out for an hour or so just to spend five minutes testifying.
  7. Now exactly why is it you can't get a job again?
  8. Well, when you come down to it, they're all essentially the same thread...
  9. I hate being baby-sat.
  10. If it made sense, it'd be scary.
  11. It's OK. They don't expect you to tip at McDonald's.
  12. Poor Phillies. Come and live in my basement. There will be no sex, but I will keep you so busy that you will die of old age before you know it.
  13. Girls lie to you because you reek of desperation and low-end beer.
  14. No, Zeni is more serial killer material.
  15. I think that technically, Ted Kaczynski is a serial killer also.
  16. Don't hold your breath.
  17. Is this a gift, or do you work at being a douche?
  18. The point is, that's a coping strategy with diminishing returns. Granted, I don't have an alternative, but sometimes, nothing is better than something.
  19. Definitely a defense mechanism - stupidity as blatant as that which you keep offering is so aggressive as to be contagious.
  20. When you post stupidity like this, I'm genuinely torn between the rational decision to ignore you and not offer any reaction that might be misconstrued as encouragement, and the desire to beat you into submission, tie you up, and drop you on the doorstep of a contemplative order of monks, preferably one that espouses a vow of silence and eschews modern conveniences like the internet and indoor plumbing.
  21. I guess, theoretically, but I make no guarantees...according to the literature, I should have been dead 20 years ago.
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