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Everything posted by Sieg67

  1. People will go crazy over that masked menace.
  2. Don't go if you don't want to. Tradition is a shit reason to do anything.
  3. Depends. You could get turkey powers if it's radioactive.
  4. Donald Trump.
  5. I have a joke about fish, but it'll probably flop. I also have one about hipsters, but you probably never heard of it.
  6. Oh boy I totally didn't see that coming.
  7. I thought all of us were creeps.
  8. I just beat your score in color boxes. EDIT: That didn't last long.
  9. Sieg67

    You All

    I'm sleep posting.
  10. Snow stopped being awesome once I had to start driving in it.
  11. Sieg67


    I just noticed it the other day. Was wondering if it was intentional.
  12. DO I?!
  13. I haven't had as many problems since we changed the layout. There were a couple of times where it took a few seconds to load but it's been alright for the most part.
  14. Well that's a pretty lame super power.
  15. I like to buy 3 packs at a time so I can wear a fresh pair everyday for a couple of weeks.
  16. You must not have seen his threads. He is definitely pro Trump. Him and pail have been making threads in Babbling. They seem to be completely brainwashed.
  17. Seems like my rank changes every other time I post. I think they may have over done it with the holiday ranks. Then again, I don't think this forum is active enough to have ranks with the old requirements.
  18. Visually it looks acceptable. Story and acting though...I don't know. Looks like there's mixing a few things up along with new story. Scarlett doesn't pull off the character well. Mokoto was very shrewd, was almost always very confident and didn't take bullshit from anyone. She did have questions about who she actually is but she never let it bog her down. One thing I will say I'm happy about is Botou's car. It's about what I'd expect him to drive.
  19. IB'ers hate us Pod 6'ers. Apparently they don't like us jerk'n or something along those lines.
  20. They only cover the bottom. This is on the back part.
  21. Sieg67

    I'm alive

    Log in from the main page first. Logging in from the link wont work.
  22. They keep getting holes in the heels and I'm starting to run out. I'd like to get new socks but I suspect my shoes are doing it. Like, there's a worn out spot in the hill part of the shoes and I think it may be making the holes and I really don't want to spend money on new shoes. I've gone through over $1200 in the last couple of months dealing with shit.
  23. Could it be a poorly made twitter bot just playing off keywords?
  24. I try but people ignore me. D:
  25. Re:Zero Ergo Proxy Last Exile Steins Gate Ghost Hound
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