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Everything posted by Sieg67

  1. For me it would depend on how the teleportation works. Like if it's the same way as it works in Star Trek, screw that. The way that works is that it deconstructs you and then beams your matter to a desired location to be reconstructed. That basically means that it kills you and then makes a copy of you somewhere else.
  2. Where my country gone?
  3. Sieg67

    I'm here.

    Welcome. This board reminds me a lot of how the ASMB use to be. I like it but I'd like it more once we get more people to migrate.
  4. How'bout this one?
  5. So this is a thing.
  6. Fake tits have always been a put off for me. Especially when they start looking like beach balls.
  7. Flushable toilet paper rolls.
  8. I've had a couple of songs from The Pillows that I didn't notice were in English for years after I downloaded them.
  9. Not Democratic, but I think they were also voting for Gary and Jill. Granted some Republicans were as well.
  10. And this is why I hate our 2 main party system. It only serves to divide us. We should be voting for candidates that we believe would make the best president. Instead people are just voting for one that's in their party. "Rable rable rable we can't let them republicans/democrats win." This isn't a football game. It's everyone's future.
  11. The only way that Trump won't fuck things up is if he hires an adviser. I mean, this man couldn't even be trusted with a twitter account.
  12. I'm assuming what happened here is the exact same thing that happened to Bernie. All the Republicans voted for Trump while the Dems votes were divided among several candidates. You know what's sad that no matter how much Trump fucks things up, Republicans are still going to blame Democrats and Liberals.
  13. Adam Sandler did one.
  14. We're all Bucket.
  15. I thought it was arm meat?
  16. Not around others, but yeah. I don't speak Japanese but some of the songs are still easy to follow. Especially stuff from the High-lows/The Blue Hearts or whatever they're called now.
  17. The Christmas music they play at work is normally 10 different versions of the same 5 songs.
  18. [move]WINDOWS 95[/move]
  19. [shadow=red,left][glow=C33A1D,2,300]Reminds me of when everybody use to use HTML to make horrible signatures. I haven't really used HTML in years. I barely even remember how to make a basic link because now all we gotta do is hit a button and paste the URL. It was fun times. I'd like to see another "Make me a sig" thread sometime. Although I think people kinda just stopped volunteering.
  20. You can't rush genius.
  21. I wouldn't eat a sparkly donut even if I did know what it was.
  22. Mine says 14. That doesn't sound right.
  23. Sieg67


    I don't know that user.
  24. Psst. Wanna buy a pogo stick. I got pogo sticks for sale.
  25. Weird. Usually it's brighter themes that are hard on the eyes. I got a black theme going on for most of the sites I frequent.
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