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Everything posted by Sieg67

  1. Apparently they're in a rec room and they were playing charades. Granted it's more like 3D Pictionary. I'm assuming the tickle monster molester just wanted to sound creepy. Playing it with a VR set made it seem a bit more real and the guy got giggly. EDIT: If you look at the Steam page, it's just called Rec Room.
  2. I'm trying to bring in stuff other than politics. Live a little.
  3. And giggles a lot.
  4. Your landlord sounds like a dick. You don't need to throw your furniture out. Also it's normal for them to spray 3 times. As well has getting itchy bites, blood on my mattress and bug poo on my box spring, they also costs me 300 dollars. Not sure why yours costs so much. Between that and my car, I can't afford to get a new bed set.
  5. I think it's suppose to give you extra site features and is also a way to support the site. Don't know thought since I've never received gold.
  6. I'm just trying to imagine the amount of hairspray he would have had to use.
  7. I find that hair...apeeling.
  8. More like a cheapass thing to say. I always try to fix stuff myself to save a bit of cash.
  9. Dryers are very fixable. Probably no need for a whole new one.
  10. Take him to a movie?
  11. I didn't know they were actually a thing until a couple of years ago. I read that cases have gone up 500%. Check your shit people. Catch them while they're few in numbers.
  12. How is it broken? Not heating? Not spinning? Both not heating or spinning?
  13. They ruined my wallet.
  14. Those are fun. I learned the best way to deal with individual ones is by spaying them with alcohol. Stronger the better. It's a lot less messy than smashing them. A number of things would work but alcohol doesn't stain and dries quickly. Also keeping it in a spray bottle makes it easier to apply to cuts. I think my bug problem taking care of now. At least I hope so.
  15. My boss started off as cool but now I just see her as a lazy hypocrite.
  16. "I have aids!"
  17. YOU DARE MOCK THE GREAT SAIYAN PRINCE?! You would think that he'd realize that prince thing doesn't mean anything anymore.
  18. Pepperidge Farm remembers.
  19. I saw the video of the first one. They punched each other.
  20. That's a gif. I can't put that in a newspaper. You're fired.
  21. That's a terrible idea. You're fired.
  22. You have to hang out with your family.
  23. I could only wish to be a kawaii as Petelgeuse.
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