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Everything posted by Sieg67

  1. I don't know why a lot of things are a thing.
  2. Sieg67


    I've never ate it by itself so I'm not sure what it tastes like. I can tell you though that I'm one of the people to who it doesn't taste like soap.
  3. People take football way too seriously. It's just a game and there's really no need for the fan rivalry.
  4. I use only the thumb of the hand I hold my phone with. Needless to say it takes forever to type anything like that. I really should start using both hands.
  5. *Gets your attention by saying all 3 of your names*
  6. I live in Kansas and sometimes I jokingly pronounce our state as Kansaw.
  7. Are we talking regular Olympics or special Olympics? I have to be honest, I don't think I could win anything in the regular Olympics. I could probably beat some handicap people, though.
  8. Luckily I was smart enough to stay away from drugs and the voices tell me I'm perfectly sane.
  9. A while back my boss told me one of our more nutty customers came in and asked her if we carried abortion pills. I paused for a second and asked if she pointed her towards the hangers. Boss had a good laugh.
  10. So you're telling me that you don't own a screwdriver? Buy some tools, yo. How do you fix anything? Also you don't carry around the screwdriver. You use it when you need it and then put it away somewhere.
  11. Maybe you have to fart.
  12. Posting this just because it's related. You won't have to do all of this. Dude basically takes the entire laptop apart. There's no reason to do this.
  13. You mean a screwdriver? Because that's all you need to take one apart. That and maybe something like a guitar pick to pop the keyboard out. I've taken apart 3 laptops. It's not hard.
  14. I didn't care for the holiday one. Then again I don't care for Code Red either. Ice is alright but nothing special. I only got one bottle for myself just out of curiosity.
  15. You can have Crocs or dignity. Pick one.
  16. I think our W-2s come on the 15th. I'll be glad to have some extra money.
  17. I don't understand why people like to go to theaters anymore. You have to watch movies with other people who have the chance of being disruptive. Overpriced snacks. Can't pause the movie to use the restroom. Can't fart without drawing attention to yourself. I'd much rather just wait until a movie comes out on DVD or stream it online.
  18. Is this just a ploy to get us to click your name? Because I'm definitely probably maybe not going to click it.
  19. It looks like he's having a hard time getting his leg off after getting it back. Makes me wonder how far he's going to get once he's back on the bike.
  20. It's all on /b/.
  21. Aftermath caught on dash cam.
  22. Did you get the first one with the infrared controllers? I heard those were pretty much a shitty emulator. I haven't heard anything about the newer ones with the wired controllers. Speaking of emulators, get a classic USB controller and emulate that shit.
  23. I haven't even had cable in I don't know how long. I mostly use to watch [as] for the anime but now I can just watch what I want online.
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