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Everything posted by QueenoftheDorks

  1. Kimetsu no Yaiba 14-15
  2. I love this dumb-dumb.
  3. I like that Attack on Titan can be summed up as "Eren's dad fucked it up for everybody."
  4. Lord in heaven thank you rando Twitter man for reading this for me because this is gold.
  5. But I can just watch Vinland Saga on Amazon Prime right now instead...
  6. Regardless it's a bulky and shitty way to handle things. Their western series have a much bigger audience and as it's all premiering for the first time the reviews, coverage, and discussion are active for a few weeks while everyone watches it. When it comes to these anime series... they've usually ended and you completely miss out on the coverage of a weekly review or even active discussion.
  7. So far Dr. Stone - It's an interesting premise for a shounen action series. I like that it's from the writer of Eyeshield 21 so I know he's probably put in the work on the science research even if it's fudged for story telling purposes. I do which he had Murata on art again, but you take what you can get. If the science guy ends up being as fun and well written as Hiruma it will be worth it. Fire Force - Kind of generic storywise, but the animation is absolutely gorgeous. I already know what David Production is capable of. The voice cast was pretty good with Suzumura and Nakai involved so I'll keep checking it out.
  8. Isn't that what Carlos Mencia and Amy Schumer are??
  9. I'm really interested in Beastars so of course it will be in Netflix jail. Honestly they need to adjust their shit and post this stuff as it comes out. There's a reason I never get around to watching anime on Netflix and it's because I don't have time to binge.
  10. Fire Force 1 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind 37
  11. I know nothing about Food Wars! but it does seem like a less entertaining version of Yakitate! Japan.
  12. Fruits Basket (2019) 13-14
  13. Goddamn this makes me feel good.
  14. I can only take off the shirt.
  15. I keep reading it as Monsta X and thinking she did a collab with them.
  16. I still don't understand how this dude is lying about his age. Do people not have eyes???
  17. This is true. Our site director fired a supervisor just because she told her she was moving in 3 months. She got her unemployment in like a week a half. They didn't even try to fight it cause they knew they did it for no reason.
  18. My depression has been kicking my ass lately. I've just been trying to like listen to music that I enjoy in hopes it pulls me out.
  19. Speaking of Ouran... I wouldn't be made if we got a proper adaptation of it next. Or even His and Her Circumstances... or HanaKimi. I mean the live action HanaKimis were great but still.
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