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Everything posted by QueenoftheDorks

  1. There are only like three countries in the world who don't have access to Netflix. The biggest of which is China, but they still licence their shows to a Chinese streaming service. They produce original content for more than just America. As I said this feels exactly like a situation like Pirates of the Caribbean. They don't care if it make it in America because literally the rest of the world can make it into a hit.
  2. Why do you assume its aiming solely for the US? Just because a US company is involved? There's nothing that states an American company can't develop a TV show primarily for an international market. They do it all the time for films. The last two Pirates of the Carribbean films were made for the international box office where it was still considered a hit franchise. It flopping in America made absolutely no difference to anyone at Disney.
  3. Popular manga + Netflix exclusivity? I also saw in one article that they counted any streams where someone watched at least 2 minutes so even if a bunch of people decided to check out the 1st episode and then dropped it, they counted it.
  4. "One Piece looks weird!" is clownery of the highest caliber and makes you sound as stupid as people who don't watch anime because "the eyes are too big" at least be creative and blame it on it being too long. At least then you don't sound ignorant.
  5. Vinland Saga 10-11
  6. Didn't they edit it pretty badly and replace the music?? Not to mention the dub was pretty mockable at the time.
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