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Everything posted by RainyDayJizz#35

  1. No idea but watch Brain Damage. If I remember the title correctly it should be about an alien brain slug that gets people high to feed from them. That should satisfy your curiosity.
  2. This reminds me of the final play in Necessary Roughness when the Samoan lineman tells Scott Bakula "They will not touch you."
  3. When I looked I was going for torrents, but later I looked for physical copies. I think the only one I saw on torrent was Scanner Cop, which is fine but it's not Scanners 2. I remember liking that one...
  4. Let me know if you can find the Scanners sequels anywhere at all. I haven't checked for a long time but I'm not even sure i saw them on VHS.
  5. It's been a long time since I've seen it, Cronenberg movies are so good.
  6. @SwimModSponges
  7. It's a gaming service for your pc, free to download. If you dont like a game you can refund it if you played under 2 hours I think. I didn't have it for a long time but I'd at least heard of it...
  8. You've actually not heard of Steam at all?
  9. Just makes it lamer. Heard of Steam?
  10. Then keep wasting money on trash.
  11. Perfect marketing for the new slim 12 oz. bottles.
  12. You have a phone problem not a gaming problem. Play real games instead.
  13. ...are we still in the game?
  14. Happy birthday!
  15. It varies like any of them. Some of those Trump trolls go on and on.
  16. CNN has been sending me less notifications since I started trolling their videos. I've been trolling them in the manner where you shut conversation down.
  17. Maybe start job hunting. You've been at your current job ten years so you've demonstrated willingness to work. See if you can find better conditions in a job that's similar or just looking for work experience. There are a lot of labor jobs that pay good money and if you're an early riser you can make bank. Landscapers make good money man. Even just try to find five better jobs to apply to every day. For some reason people hiring never like me, but if you put out enough apps you get somewhere eventually.
  18. I bet I'm at work for the majority of these. The rest I am phone and old. Twitch on a phone? Please retreat from my vicinity.
  20. Everybody already gave you good advice so I'm just another voice saying don't do that shit. Life can be shitty at times but hanging around is worth it I believe. The bad of life is never that bad, it just weighs on you when you have a lot. The good stuff... well you don't think about the bad when it's happening and you hold on to those good memories. And personally the bad memories that hang around for me are the ones that make me laugh about how big an idiot I was, or I get to laugh at how shitty people can really be. No matter how alone you may feel every person I've known to be alone made the choice to be that way. Even if you feel like there's no one there's probably someone.
  21. It's one of the all-timers. You know when I was young I found those Buddy monologues so boring, and then after 25 years of weird life they were far more enjoyable.
  22. It's only a modest proposal. Congrats though, I can't believe you convinced a woman to let you touch her.
  23. Shut up, moist daddy. Fucking lame ass.
  24. Seriously. I will go down on the hairiest vagina, go fuck yourself with my ball musk.
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