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Everything posted by RainyDayJizz#35

  1. I would never subject a team to my drunk gaming. It's cool if I'm in that zone but if I play like shit it'll be "lol sorry I'm drunk guize."
  2. Lol, is she at this point now? Did she tell you about the shrieking attack when I said I'm talking to other women now? Whatever you know about this, wrong thing to bring up.
  3. You expect effort, from me? Have you met me?
  4. Japan: We like fish.
  5. Do you think women will ever understand their gay jokes will always be mediocre compared to ours because this is the life we've chosen?
  6. Seriously, guys love dick surprises.
  7. See I said this cause I'm pretty sure he's pac coast too. Or I don't remember properly but that isn't likely.
  8. Such great sleep, I should have bought edibles today but I didn't. I'm sure I will this week though.
  9. And if I was to guess I'd say they've been that way since I put them on last night. Hmmm.
  10. If he's not expecting to get laid seeing you it's completely understandable and would mean very little. If you guys had fucked and the same thing happens, that's bad. Just fuck someone already, do it because sex with them seems like fun. Don't figure out if you're getting married first. This shit is on my mind too and I'm on the level of effort where I would prefer to say, "you wanna go over there and suck my dick or something?" But that's a little rude.
  11. RainyDayJizz#35


    And no.
  12. RainyDayJizz#35


    God fucking damn it.
  13. How bad is your insomnia? I'll tell you how many mg will make you want to call the hospital before you wake up feeling like you spent the night being massaged and serenaded by angels. Anyone probably could, but oh my god.
  14. I thought about starting one when I needed a car but I just had to hunt around for someone willing to take a risk on giving me a horrible deal I could afford. Boo told me most people spread a GoFundMe through social media and that was the end of that.
  15. Just for that let me know when it goes up and I'll make a significant contribution for an average guy. Not a ton, but like, hail stone damage.
  16. It was like a full page of this guy's ass flexed. I feel like there could be a very thin line between spending too much time lifting weights and gay.
  17. My brother used to get body building mags and this guy with a square butt generated lots of laughter.
  18. It's there in print right in front of you. Let me know when she's addicted to heroin.
  19. Seems okay, I'm not your typical Biden so I dunno how to make shit like this look.
  20. Men's Health
  21. Let me know when she has a heroin habit.
  22. Lol, me and my sister started baking cookies when we were single digit age. We surmised that if we made the Christmas cookies no one would know how much batter we ate. Lots of dessert are a really easy intro to cooking. I really like baking because you make this giant mess of a meal and you can clean it up while the food is cooking. Then it's just the eating mess at the end of the night.
  23. Hey, Harvard professors were commenting on some of their generational students wondering about the point of hoarding all of this money when it could be used in better ways. You never know what the future will bring BECAUSE YOU'RE FUCKING DEAD. FINALLY.
  24. I was really proud of my first roasted chicken. What kind of cookies? I'm not a sweets person so I don't know a lot of them.
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