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Everything posted by RainyDayJizz#35

  1. We can't house the homeless because we wouldn't have a name to call them anymore.
  2. It can be present in an hourglass. I have stupid belly fat that I can easily work off in a month but I'm also old now and no one else gives a shit anymore.
  3. Hourglass, not round.
  4. This is what I wanted this to be.
  5. Guys I know like a little meat on women, they're supposed to be soft. That's why i didn't post in the lady abs thread, grody.
  6. I think it got down to 40 here last night. It was harrowing, after the sun went down a hoodie was required.
  7. I have no special attachments to holidays because my father ruined them all for me. All holidays make me think of is something insane happening. And I'm honestly starting to not like presents because I live a minimalistic lifestyle. Really don't like cluttering my life up with extra shit. I'm an adult and I manage my own life and I'm content to keep purchases at the suggestion level. I'd rather have "you might like this thing" over this thing is now in your life and there's nothing you can do about it. TRADITION!!!!!111!!!1!
  8. His House of Caravan speedrun journey is great. I think it's since been beaten.
  9. This is the greatest question of all time.
  10. Drug plans are difficult to carry out once you're really high.
  11. I like Dreaming and Atomic a lot. I think there's a couple b-sides I like but I wouldn't remember the names. Torrents and all that.
  12. Lead singer for Blondie.
  13. Love this one, it's so weird. Videodrome was great too, when I saw Debbie Harry in it I laughed. Didn't know she did any movies.
  14. Giraffes butt the females genitals to make them pee and taste their urine to see if they ar in estrus. This is one of the things I can't unknow.
  15. The Matrix is the net in most cyberpunk. A decker is basically a hacker. The cash rewards for being a good decker were the best of any other method of making money. And if you want wired reflexes and cyber eyes prices are high without some Yakuza influence.
  16. I was always a decker, the Matrix is too much fucking fun.
  17. Damn, I was hoping for a modern Shadowrun game. Certain aspects of it made it sound like that, but I guess I'm stuck with X-Com Shadowrun.
  18. Two minutes. What a surprise to me.
  19. Happy birthday, may you be allowed to get left the fuck alone. And if not today, I'm quoting this message if I see the timely thread.
  20. I mean you can say that and I can choose to do what I did last time and think you're lying to me to make him leave you the hell alone. Switching boots with you, I would lie to me to make him leave me alone. I'll have to wait a day to see how immediate his VPN reply was, but I imagine it to be quite quick which is evidentiary of him just being... him. He's starting to get annoying... is there an update on Zeni's liver failure?
  21. I prefer cyberpunk 1994.
  22. I dunno, he begged pat to say he's not Viper so he's pretty damn lame.
  23. So that's why those games sell so well. I guess I used to be pretty good at video games, wouldn't call myself great anymore but I never got how people could get into such slow paced games.
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