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Everything posted by RainyDayJizz#35

  1. Nah it's way easier to be rich in Mexico when you live next to the border.
  2. I don't think Tinder is Tinder anymore and anyone looking to meet should find a more recent app. And here's a point of irritation, every girl that actually seems interesting lives in fucking Mexico.
  3. Women aren't fun much longer than a half hour.
  4. This app is really pissing me off though and making me really sad about how some humans choose to relate to each other. It seems Tinder is now the avenue for creeping on each others instagrams.
  5. Nah, just trying to see if any woman amounts to more than one. I remember listening to angry men listening to women on some shitty relationship advice segment say how they connect on so many different levels, "yeah, the wallet and the cunt." One of those men may have possibly been Nick DiPaolo. >_>
  6. "Is Tinder full of heroin addicts now? The amount of women five years younger than me that actually look far older than I do is astounding." I noticed a lot of women there said they're "super sarcastic" so I better bring my A game and be prepared to have my feelings hurt, so the swipes are just gonna start rolling in, right?
  7. Having fun myself. And I just made the self-proclaimed king bow. But kings were always born. I actually came back to clarify an obscurity in my previous post, the high school girl I never dated, i was just figuring out girls then. The hooker was the one that brought me over for safety. You can't know another man until you shit all over his face.
  8. You think so, but you think in your own manner. A funny discussion happened about the timing I was removed from school, this girl may have been the only person in my life that was never intimidated by my intelligence. She probably thought I was a guy that could solve any problem. And I am that guy. Should I tell you how that relationship ended with her bringing me over when a friend of a friend was crashing at her place and she wanted me there to feel safe or is this enough elaboration about who I am right now?
  9. Sometimes I wonder if I've seen weirder shit than any people think possible. But then you hear people talk about vegas and acid and I just create a localized weirdness.
  10. No they ask me to bring takeout and enjoy my company.
  11. If you're going to Applebee's. Pros usually want at least 80, a bowl of soup if they're hunting for you.
  12. Math gets the ladies wet.
  13. This is a troublesome observation because if my liver was failing at 25 I'd be like Johnny Bravo in the hospital instead of the Rorsach I would be today.
  14. Can America bomb the Kentucky Derby next year?
  15. Self, mostly dry unless I get in some weird mood. A woman jerking me off, lubes if they plan on me cumming because of a handjob. I'll assume another guy could go dry with any dick and do fine.
  16. What are days anymore?
  17. What do you say @Dr. MrsGirlfriend, do these animals seem appetizing or are you an insane person?
  18. Do not mock me. I AM A WALKING GOD.
  20. That dog would rather be pet than have it's picture taken.
  21. I was gonna link to a zombie saying brains somehow, but this was in my video history what is my life.
  22. I had so much fun at home. I saw only family. Here is a thing.
  23. There's a lot of grains and herbs mixed in. Mad cow happened from eating brain tho.
  24. I think this is my thirteenth day off now.
  25. Imagine throwing an entire coffee can of grasshoppers at me due to how much you dislike me!
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