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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by MEXobiologist

  1. soooo orgies???
  2. there are two kinds of people in this world those who are failed abortions and those who were failure to pull out but we all have one thing in common none of us are fit to be here
  3. why yes, i think it is dig us up some bone
  4. you're a monster but not the good kind
  5. you're only now noticing this?
  6. somewhere is a lonely semi unattractive to average female with low self esteem that was counting on you, and now you've ruined all her hopes at happiness. i don't know how you sleep at night.
  7. i told you that edging for too long will ruin your orgasms for life but does anybody listen to me? noooo... what does she know they said, she doesn't have a dick they said. as if that ever had anything to do with anything. psh.
  8. its not bad from the computer. mobile is just, well, forget about it... but then again, i don't wear glasses like i should be, so i just figured its my own damn fault.
  10. .... nothing? really? went last night with my mother and brother as tradition mandates. i thought it was good, better than Force Awakens but didn't leave me with as many lingering thoughts and questions. that may be in part due to the fact that i became severely ill part way through. so i will need to go a second time when my head is clear before delving into it too much. things that i enjoyed greatly about the movie were the jokes, seriously, why robits so snarky and funny all the time? that throw back feel of artistic design and graphics. of the two new films, this one had far better acting all around. fuck yeah donnie yen. the ending was great, the kind i wish more movies had. i'll come back once i've seen it again without the distracting illness.
  11. dooo eeeeet! but do it at her place or a neutral zone... just to be safe
  12. HAHAHA! Not too far. Not regularly. My hormones are all jacked up. Sometimes regular once a month for 3-5 days as per normal for peeps, sometimes not at all for 2-3 months, sometimes twice a month, sometimes could be spotting for 2-3 days, and sometimes flooding for 5-9 days. Doc says having babies usually normalizes this but yeaaahhhh.... >.> It doesn't bother me that much. Birth control helps too but then I'm an emotional hormonal roller coaster of manic anger and sadness near always, so fuck that too. I'll just deal with it til menopause.
  13. yuuuuuuup. gonna start up again over here about 4:30-5:00pm and go until sunday morning. Last night the driveway got shoveled before going to see Rogue One... by the time we were out, there was already more than 4 inches of new snow accumulated I guess its a good thing I became more sick last night??? Got to call off on our second most busy day of the season and tomorrow is my day off. I'm not going fucking ANYWHERE, so let that shit come.
  14. For me its okay. I still prefer the original though. Something less eerie or haunting about this one that doesn't let it stack up for me.
  15. I am. Don't look under your bed in the middle if the night
  16. holy shit you've got to be beating some sort of survival odds with that kind of number
  17. HELPFUL!!! Some ladies I know used to do secret santa xmas parties. I went twice. one year i got some weird lip balm lookin shit you put on your nips to make them erect and tingle.
  18. Quit playing in animal poop. Thats how diseases spread.
  19. Only if thats what he said. End game.
  20. until i can forget it no one can
  21. i would pay money to see someone do this irl
  22. you got something against pink?
  23. you want ours too? i wouldn't be too terribly put out about it.... >.>
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