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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by MEXobiologist

  1. oh yeah, hell no. thats like trying to avoid spiders. not gonna happen.
  2. this has never been a problem. we've always had indoor outdoor cats, which tend to keep them buggers away.
  3. see thats what i'm sayin! its too damn cold and wet here. when it drops below, or even if its just in the tens with below wind chill, i can't stand it. i get so cold so easily. all the north face and columbia omni heat in the world doesn't save my bones from the creeping chill. hers is made out of fox. i see a lot of that and also rabbit. either way, WARM!
  4. am i a monster? an old ass woman i work with is from Alaska and her hat is the shit. its the warmest and coziest hat i've ever put on my head and her friend sells them, or used to. shes gonna ask <.< .... >.> am i terribru?
  5. turkey and vodka were going to be my answer also cheese seriously everyone likes cheese, never forget to add it
  6. thats fine... but how you gonna bag one of those from inside the bubble? 0.o
  7. the jazzy funky ones are great though!
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9gTTqJwfI0 best. makes me want to put on a fancy satin white dress and dance.
  9. see and thats why i prefer the original. the sort of light and emotionally neutral tone of the harmonies in the original, makes it more haunting to me.
  10. have an extra one for me, kay? it is fun, both days end with games after we've been drinking and a loooooot of laughing. usually by the time i go to bed on christmas, my face a ribs are sore from it.
  11. as long as i get socks, i'll be happy
  12. oh fuck, you work for fedex? sorry about that. i won't even mail packages during the holiday. just an all around painful experience for everybody. the costs, the retardation, the wait.... this is what gift cards through email are for.
  13. how very calculated of you
  15. tsk, tsk, this is why boys and men get hurt so often absolutely no sense of self preservation
  16. Shhhhhhhh... don't say things like that Its important to ignore those feelings when they crop up
  17. Awww shit. It just got all grindcore in here.
  18. Late spring for sure. I want to go on hikes all day.
  19. Shigurui comes to mind.
  20. but its soooo shinyyyyy
  21. i agree that its a classic, i dunno that anime has changed too much though rare gems is rare
  22. savage but we've seen what happens to that guy and i'm sure the hospital is slammin with these problems right meow... x_x
  23. thats how i feel about butter
  24. bitch, my teefs are clean... at least partly due to the fact that i don't drink shitty liquid garbage and toothpaste
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