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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by MEXobiologist

  1. meh, what they do in their spare time is their biz. i just want Rick to get supa huge like some of those other maine coons. like the size of a small/medium dog O_O
  2. i luff them, they are so pretty and sweet. i feel bad for Morty tho. she is having a hard time i doubt she will come sleep with me tonight like she does every other night :(
  3. nooooooo, not you! i just can't believe it.
  4. so you remember i got new kitty Morty not too long ago right? well, we decided to get a friend for her to play with. He is a Maine Coon and his name is Rick... obv. he is so very very sweet and because he was adopted instead of free cat like Morty, totes is used to other animals. so when Morty goes all crazy i hate you new cat mode, he just moves out of the way, like what the fuck ever. both are about 3 months old, so they will adapt. I just love my beautiful new babies! Rick and Morty
  5. AND THEN SOUR! like sugar patch kids
  6. lol, cuz viper was playin round and changed it i'll change it back eventually
  7. Are people getting paid then or just cancer?
  8. Now thats whats up! Or was anyway....
  9. You gouda be kidding me. Hahaha, I kid I kid. All cheese is best cheese, cept blue cheese.
  10. It was gonna happen eventually. I'm for it though.
  11. It is, in my personal searches for my own, I have come across many of this lovely lady butts.
  12. Nuuuuuuuuu! Nevar evar.
  13. I will allow no such thing!
  14. This is some rugged alaskan old lady. Her husband gets the foxes and rabbits, they eat em, she makes hats n shit from their fur.
  15. n....not a real panda hat.....
  16. NUUUUUUUUUU! I have a laundry list of fantasies and music left to experience!
  17. we could vote for butts
  18. a contained fire tho don't wanna burn the world down just yet, i've got some things to see to first >.>
  19. oh whale! goodbye to some peoples then. gonna keep on, keepin on...
  20. me too, meeee tooooo. no matter what it is, could be a tiny unassuming lil thing, i react terrible to spider bites.
  21. yeah, function over fashion. if you don't really need it, it makes no sense to have it.
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