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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by MEXobiologist

  1. as much as i am a proponent of weed for both medical and recreational purposes, depending on the mental issues one may have, its not always a good idea to medicate with weed. at least not just with weed. you should still seek pharmaceutical medicinal help from a professional
  2. so.... how does this horror story end? when i was 17, i was getting over the flu on Christmas but still wanted to go to the punk show at this disgusting punk venue that i loved. i had ate easy cheese on wheat thins all day long, like two cans worth >.> anyways, they had a keg in the basement so i got me a cup and started slamming some cheap warm beer. by the time the music was about to start, i knew i wouldn't make it. i was right in front and the second it started, it felt like the vibrations were stirring my stomach. i ran to go puke in one of the bathrooms, more like two individual stalls, but both were occupied. the owner wouldn't let me out in case a cop saw a drunk minor puking in the alley. so he put a christmas cupcake in the middle of the floor and said "aim true sweetie!" that was it, like a trigger i emptied my cheesy contents all over the floor in front of like 20 people who were cheering me on. then i watched a kid from my speech class clean it all up without letting me help.
  3. everything.
  4. no you don't eggnog is garbage, shitty liquid garbage
  5. more like the beatus....
  6. well that was your first warning sign just when you think you'll get the chance to let out that inner chola...
  7. MEXobiologist

    Ur hot

    how does one tap into such powers? can you reverse the effects and melt other peoples faces?
  8. snitches get stitches
  9. so i'll just come stay for a month instead and make sure to talk really loud on my phone outside the house i got some large gold hoop earrings around here somewhere, we just need to find me a velour tracksuit and a bedazzler teamwork makes the dream work, we can change the dynamic together
  10. GOOD GOD DAMN! thats some whole other level shit
  12. i will protect you i'm just brown enough that they won't fucks with you... but not so brown that i'll get hauled away too
  13. i've never played that game or did a tinychat most of my conversations are pretty long and make no sense in the end
  14. its death wasn't in vain.... all that dancing, i was hungry.... >.> what was i supposed to do?
  15. you could potentially create a middle ground if you take one for the team and get arrested
  16. but you're SUPPOSED to suck out the brains! i didn't know there was a zombie in the crowd, it ain't my fault he got triggered.
  17. blast some satanic chants and turn on a red light
  19. beats those stupid penny rides they still won't take out of grocery stores
  20. Inorite. If I didn't hate touching snow, I would go build one right meow.
  21. Aaaahahahaha, and at what age was this?
  22. Work xmas eve until six, hittin a fam friends xmas party, then to my friends for traditional games, presents, and booze. Christmas day will spend with immediate fam at my sisters house til sometime that night. Gotta cut it short this year though cuz I have to be in at 7am the next mernin. Blech!
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