so.... how does this horror story end?
when i was 17, i was getting over the flu on Christmas but still wanted to go to the punk show at this disgusting punk venue that i loved. i had ate easy cheese on wheat thins all day long, like two cans worth >.> anyways, they had a keg in the basement so i got me a cup and started slamming some cheap warm beer. by the time the music was about to start, i knew i wouldn't make it. i was right in front and the second it started, it felt like the vibrations were stirring my stomach. i ran to go puke in one of the bathrooms, more like two individual stalls, but both were occupied. the owner wouldn't let me out in case a cop saw a drunk minor puking in the alley. so he put a christmas cupcake in the middle of the floor and said "aim true sweetie!"
that was it, like a trigger i emptied my cheesy contents all over the floor in front of like 20 people who were cheering me on. then i watched a kid from my speech class clean it all up without letting me help.