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Still Me

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Everything posted by Still Me

  1. im watching the people vs OJ Simpson on Netflix....so what's your stance? Do you think he did it? Or was he framed?
  2. get a second job...sell some shit
  3. I more wanna know why you can't get a damn job
  4. im sorry was I talking about you? Or that dick pic you sent? I don't think so...go fap to anime
  5. motha fucka...shut up...lol <3
  6. why do you feel alone? You have dogs...dogs love you unconditionally...like having big dumb children
  7. guy comes in rip roaring pissed off...we didn't have his sons lyrica...and I was trying to tell him that we had tried to order it but our distributor has it on back order but we were in the process of trying to find a location that had it...and this mother fucker gets in my face...inches from my face...slamming his hands and screaming that we were incompetent ...and it was bullshit...and blah blah...but the whole time I'm calmly telling him the situation...my fuckin pharmacist comes over and she's like "you will NOT talk to my techs that way, you will NOT talk to me that way...if you do not sit down and lower your voice I WILL NOT help you and I will call security"...this lady in drive thru says to me after...she like "is everything ok in there? I recorded it on my phone"....I'm like no....I'm ok....
  8. i have little accidents...but I'm certainly not fucking retarded
  9. K
  10. as for Denzel Washington I think his best movie was john q
  11. AY U (au) gimme all your gold...AW GEE (ag) all I have is silver
  12. i dont really pay attention to it
  13. someone told me split was good
  14. im sorry what was that? I couldn't quite hear you over some social justice warrior shit...
  15. this thread makes me extremely angry...
  16. honestly if you had those powers you'd end up being a little bitch for the government
  17. i don't find the female form attractive or sexual...if a paid whore cries...I don't lose sleep
  18. k...?
  19. i don't know who you're talking about
  20. sure yeah ok whatever...
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