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Still Me

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Everything posted by Still Me

  1. na I'm done
  2. trust me I know everything that's been going on but next time might wanna slap a spoiler on it
  3. then go take your psyc meds crazy...and it's good to know when you get your monthly...that way we know you're not birthing another Demi trash demon
  4. :D I love me bullshit propaganda
  5. oh man that's rough...L_B broke his not long after he got them (well...his father did it...cause he's crazy but eh w/e) so his have a bread twist tie and packing tape holding them together....but he only wears them at home cause contacts
  6. Still Me


    my boss is my connection
  7. didnt know I could, didn't really care
  8. yeah same
  9. i enjoy it...it can be fun...I always come in neutral but my temper is quick...in life and on the boards
  10. ive eaten dandelion leaves in a salad...but something weirds me out about dandelion wine
  11. this...also I take care of my belongings...I work too fuckin hard of them
  12. hands down that's the saddest shit I've seen...
  13. im counting days when I dont have to deal with a belligerent asshole...I'm up to 2
  14. and boobs give me free drinks
  15. Still Me


    dont morty things up morty
  16. Still Me


    watch out now...his love could be addictive.... :D
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