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Still Me

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Everything posted by Still Me

  1. sure when I'm out of work
  2. ive tried all sizes
  3. or buddyroe
  4. i had tried to add a GIF image as my icon...i tried saving it directly to the computer and uploading it, ive even tried URL linking, shit i even tried BBCode....wtf?
  5. i dunno....i use the starbucks one all the time....i get the 'lucky charms' frap
  6. lets see....i only know about in and out burger, starbucks, and mcdonalds
  8. i cant do diet sodas....they always seem to taste like there is an eroding penny at the bottom
  9. :fap: :fap: :fap: :fap:
  11. k
  12. ::HMM::
  13. jesus was black, Ronald Reagan was the devil, and the government is lying to you about 911
  14. Still Me


    hey ive avoided ever seeing his dick on TC and I sleep just fine...there are just some things in life you just don't wanna know
  15. went to work neutral, then I delt with an insurance company that wanted me to do something illegal which caused me to have silent bubbling rage, insisted I speak to a manager and they gave me the run a round which then caused me to get loud and threatening, had a string of happy friendly customers which made me happy, I got all my work done incredibly fast and made sure that the closing shift wouldn't struggle, then I skipped my happy ass out of there at 6
  16. its black and white
  17. uuuuuuugh......yeah....any variation of the color green and black and white
  18. ok well then 2 things...1...if you don't care don't use it as "ammo" and 2...I ask you a simple question and immediately get insulted...so..kinda proof of what I literally just typed
  19. you put them in a bra
  20. ok I dare you to get a job
  21. i wouldn't call those numbers and accurate measurement of how much people "like you"...besides you tend to insult us all about how we're worthless losers...so shouldn't you be bothered by the fact us "losers" have any opinion of you? Good or bad?
  22. Still Me


    yeah I'm kinda here...I usually post during the day when I'm calling insurance companies...btw express scripts and cvs Caremark are some of the dumbest mother fuckers on the planet....Caremark told me to run 90 vyvanse for 30 days when the PT takes 1 capsule a day...that's fucking insurance fraud....seriously...dumbass....
  23. Still Me


    is this like a choose your own adventure book? Man I fuckin loved those as a kid
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