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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. Don't be jealous bro 😉
  2. Nah I just couldn't find my registration and I was only going like 37 in a 25 so his cute ass cut me some slack
  3. I got third place in a stand up competition. Which is the highest I've ever gotten, and I got out of a speeding ticket for the first time ever. Side note: That cop was hot as fuck. I mean damn. I've never seen another man that made me feel as ugly as he did. He was beautiful as shit. But anyway I'm pretty happy right now
  4. Will watch later. I'm doing shit rn
  5. Trash. If I get invited in I run that shit. Lol I invite all of my ignorant ass goons over and we shoot dice until the sun comes up
  6. When I climb on in I stay a while. I run them for EVERYTHING they got in their fridge CAUSE I AINT COMIN BACK unless I forget my charger
  7. Hey bro get my phone charger out of her room while you're there. Good look.
  9. Thanks man!
  10. Dude give me that fucking honey mustard...please
  11. yo dude if you get a pm or a spoiler message from a dude named Bmnj or some shit DO NOT FUCKING OPEN IT!
  12. Why would you do this to him?
  13. FIGHT ME! *Squares up to you while legal teenage babes cheer me on and eye of the tiger plays*
  14. Well welcome! This place is half ok people and half trolls that will tear your rectum. Good luck!
  15. How'd you find out about this place?
  16. Are you a legit new person or is this some alt shit?
  17. That_One_Guy


    Well arm pain and nausea can be a bad sign. It just sounds like a bad combo.
  18. That_One_Guy


    This also feeling sick with that arm pain might be a bad sign
  19. Bleach wont do. You need a new account fucking now.
  20. K my iron got destroyed! Iron is 3-2 Orlando is 5-0
  21. This dude is jealous
  22. Orlando vs Birmingham is streaming on Youtube
  23. Damn man that sounds rough. I don't know the specifics, but keep your head up dude. There's better days ahead of you.
  24. Well it hasn't happened in a very long time. Like years so I can't say for sure that I had no medication in my system. If I did it wasn't anything serious. Maybe allergy shit
  25. I have something similar I think. Like I'll be dreaming something really good and I'll be pissed cause I know it's just a dream. So for some reason I wake myself up. And when I do that I usually hallucinate a little. My heart also beats really hard. It's weird
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