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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. Lol why do you keep running into Coolio? My mom made awkward eye contact with Conan O'Brian once
  2. I totally get that. I've seen celebrities just walking around before and I always thought it was better to just leave them alone
  3. One example is Kevin Hart being the first comedian in history to sell out a venue that Garth Brooks had already sold out like 7 times in the 90s. People like music way more than comedy
  4. ...is that slang for drug dealer? lol
  5. That's actually pretty damn cool
  6. Like yay heres kim k or paris hilton unenthusiastically meandering an average penis around. Whoopty fucking do. #firstworldproblems
  7. True but it just shows the type of person he really is. Even if I owned Fort Knox I'd still treat everyone like they were human beings
  8. That advice is fucking spot on.
  9. I've heard he's a dick irl
  10. Yeah and I hate to say it but we need George now more than ever. Seriously.
  11. He was brilliant. I never thought he was that funny though, but I loved listening to him. He was very insightful.
  12. ...howwww would you know?
  13. True but none of them are nearly as popular as most musicians. Only people that pay attention to comedy think their rock stars
  14. That's true. Not all comics have massive egos but like 60% of them think they are gods gift to the world. It can be very discouraging
  15. I'd be set if it weren't for that shit
  16. I wont stop. I enjoy it way too much.
  17. That's where you just lie lol. Just make shit up. I know comics who have had a newborn daughter for five years.
  18. Not at all. I'll feel uncool with dozens of dollars.
  19. Besides the depression and massive egos you're constantly surrounded by? The fact that even if I become the biggest comedian ever I'll never be as cool as any musician. Or actor for that matter. Like comedians are kinda the unpopular kids. I guess it's a good thing that I don't do it for fame. Trying to get famous by doing stand up is like trying to get skinny by smoking meth.
  20. You're right bro I'll change my life now
  21. I'm quitting the boards now because my goddamn feelings are hurt
  22. yur mom
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